the new job

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And put on ur outfit for the day...

And put on ur outfit for the day

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And set off too the cafe*

Alice"hey y/n ive sent u ur uniform to ur house"
"Ok so does what mean i got the job"
Alice"yes u did and u offically start today"
"Thank u so much u dont know how much this means to me alice"
Alice"its fine now we have people coming in get ready to take orders"
*she smiles at u and u smile back and get behide the counter to sever people*

Alex's pov:

*he calls karl*

Alex"hey karl so ive got them"
Karl"ok good when r they for"
Alex"in a week monday"

arl"ok where r u going to meet her"
Alex"well i could meet her at her work or her house i just need to know where she works but if she gets the uniform tonight ill ask her to show me it and ill google the name"
Karl"well looks like ur sorted then"
Alex"yep i cant wait"
Karl"well ill leave u to it then"
*he ends the call*

~time skip to later in the day~

Y/n pov:

"Hey alice can i have my break i only need around a minute"
Alice"oh ye u have worked hard today have ur break"
"Ok thank u"

*u go sit down at one of the tables with a coffee u made a second ago and go on ur phone for alittle before having something to eat and just before ur break finishes u go to the toliets fix up ur makeup and get back to work*

"Thanks alice ill get back to work"
Alice"oh its fine"
"So when should the uniform arive at my house"
Alice"it should come tonight"
"Ok thanks"
*u carry on serveing people until ur shift ends*

~time skip to u pulling up in ur drive way at ur house~

*u unlock ur door and as always gets greeted by oliver and tiger while u take off ur shoes u talk to them as if they could hear u (i mean who doesnt talk to pets like that)

"Hey oliver,tiger did u miss me aw i love u too"
*u say as they kiss u*

*u walk to the living room and decide to wait for ur uniform to come so u can try it on to make sure it fits so u turn on the tv and sit on the sofa cuddled in a blanket watching netflix as u r watching a film u hear a knock at the door u get up trying not to wake oliver as tiger follows u to the door u open the door"

Mailman"hi um package for y/n"
"Um ye thats me"
Mailman"ok can u sigh here please"
*u grab the pen and sigh ur name*
Mailman"ok thank u have a goodnight"
"Thank u, u too"
*u say as u close the door putting ur foot down from keeping tiger from running outside*

*u run to ur bedroom to try it on tiger and oliver staying down stairs u talk to urself upstairs*

"I hope its nice ive seen the other girls in it but i dont know how it will look on me well we will have to see u try it on *u turn to ur mirror and see urself in the uniform*

"I hope its nice ive seen the other girls in it but i dont know how it will look on me well we will have to see u try it on *u turn to ur mirror and see urself in the uniform*

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"Well it could be worse atleast i can have my hair down"
"Oh shoot i forgot to call alex"

*u call alex*

"Hey sorry i forgot to call u i was waiting for a package and it just came"
Alex"its fine i was doing somethings too oh i just realised ur wearing a uniforn is that the cafe uniform"
"Yes actually i dont really like it its not really my style but its only for work so i guess its fine"
Alex"i think it looks nice and well done for getting the job"
Alex"so i have to go finish some stuff sorry"
"Oh its fine i have to get in my pjs anyways"
*u smile as he smiles back*
Alex"ok cya mi amor"
"Love u bye"
*he ends the call and u realise what u just said u finally told him but u dont know if he heard u but u hope not cuz u have always wanted the first time to tell him in real life u feel like crying but u dont*

*u change into ur pjs and lay in bed on ur phone watching youtube videos as one of alex's videos pop up on ur recomened so u press on it its a video of quackity and karl messing around its the video u said must be boring then he was editing it*

*u sit there watching it trying not to laugh to loud cuz u dont want to wake the kittens downstairs*u end up falling asleep watching quackitys videos*

~time skip to morning~

*ur alarm goes off i wake up and start getting ready u brush ur hair and curl it to make it look like this

*ur alarm goes off i wake up and start getting ready u brush ur hair and curl it to make it look like this

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Like normal and change into ur uniform and like always doing ur makeup.

*u grab ur bag and phone then walk downstairs the kittens still asleep u make there food and set it down next to there water bowls and give them a quick pet before grabbing ur car keys and putting ur shoes on walking out the door locking it and jumping in ur car to drive to work*

~time skip ur at work~

Alice"oh ur here great i see u got the uniform u look cute"
"Oh ye it came in the mail last night like u said"
*u both smile as u get to work*

~time skip its been a week its now monday~

Alex's pov:

*he calls karl*
Alex"Hey im about to get on my flight"
Karl"oh really well call me then your there"
Alex"ok will do I'll miss u"
Karl"ye same well have a good time"
Alex"cya call u later"

*he ends the call*

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