is this the start

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*he smiles and grabs ur hands over the table he stands up and gets on one knee u begin tearing up*
W"lily innit will u marry me"
*everyone sees and starts clapping and waiting for u*
"Will...I....of course YES YES"
*everyone cheers and wilbur puts the ring on u and stands up u hug him a he kisses u and u kiss back u pay for the dinner and head out u both get into the car and head home*

~car ride home~

"When did u plan this"
W"a couple weeks ago but I didnt tell anyone"
"Ur so sweet will I love u so much...oh god now we have the wedding to save for and all the decorations then the invitations the honeymoon how will we pay for it all"
*Wilbur laughs*
W"stop stressing it will be fine"
*u smile*

~u arrive home~

* wilbur carrys u upstairs and u both lay in bed*

"So what movie we watching"
W"idk u pick"
"No u"
*wilbur picks a movie and u both watch it*

Ranboos or George's pov:

*the door opens wilbur and u walk through the door wilbur carrying u the walk upstairs*

R"what happend"
G"idk but it must be something good"
*after the film ends they go to bed george on the sofa and ranboo in his room*

Ur pov:

*ur both watching a film half way through the film u fall asleep on Wilburs chest wilbur notices and puts the cover on u then turns off the film and goes to sleep with u*

~time skip weeks u have been staying at ur house but going around to wills to plan out the wedding~

*u end up planning everything and get the inventions out*

~ur at ur house and tommy finds the invention and runs to u in ur room~

T"whats this"
"For my wedding"
T"wait u wasnt joking"
"No y would i"
T"well idk"
"U dont have to come but someone will have to look after u cuz it's like a whole day party thing"
T"ill come I'm not having someone look after me I'm not a child"
*u laugh*
"U do u tom well I'm going shopping with f1 and f2 for my dress"

~shopping and u finally decide on this dress~

~shopping and u finally decide on this dress~

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~time skip day of the wedding~

*ur at ur house with ur mum f1 and f2 then the rest r waiting at the venue Wilburs at his ur getting ready and doing the same... everyone is ready and it's time for u to walk down the aisle

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