so r they ...y'know

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(Not sexualiseing also ik none of this would happen and I'm not trying to offend anyone in this story)

*out of no where someone shouts*

*the man walking to the sofa and chairs where u and clay were sat everyone gathered around u,niki and clay sat on the sofa sapnap on a chair across from karl,alex sat next to george...  sapnap spinning first*

K"come on then sapnap...kiss me"
*sapnap leans in and karl does the same sapnap only going for his cheek*
A"ok...ok that's enough my turn"
*they all wait for the bottle to only stop on niki*
N"fine but only this once ur lucky"
*he leans over the table and kisses niki then she pulls away*

G"ok katelynns turn"
" o..ok"
*u grip the bottle and spin it ur anxiety sky high finally stops to only land on niki u both laugh and give eachother a french kiss*

"What it's still a kiss u didnt say anything about what kind"
*u all laugh*

D"ok..ok my turn"
*he spins the bottle landing on looks up from the bottle seeing clay he turns his head clay walks over to George and turns his face so its facing him only inches away from his face*

D"oh come on gogy"
*clay kisses george on the lips for afew seconds george kissing back...

*u turn to niki and mouth*
'Are they a thing'
*she mouths back*
'No it's a joke they have watch'
*u turn back and see that clay has pulled away everyone sees his flustered red face and u just hear clay wheeze everyone begins to laugh along including george...after awhile of speaking of nothing in particular other than stuff like old story's making u laugh*

"Hey guys y dont we play truth or dare"
N"ye sounds good u up for it"
G"ye sure"
D"come on then"
S"im in"
A"hold up"

*they all stop there talking and sit back down from getting another drink*

"Ok so who's starting"
N"i will"
"Ok niki truth or dare"
N"umm truth"
"Ok um it true u like someone called wilbur...I want to know cuz I heard someone speaking about it"
N"i like him as a friend maybe as a brother"
"Ok cool"
D"oo..I have one gogy i dare u to match katelynn I know u have a skirt we all do"
*u all laugh*
"What I didnt...o..ok than george let's twin oo can I pink u out a shirt up go with it"
*u say getting up and pulling george up u follow him to his room u shut the door he sits on his bed u open his wardrobe and pull out a white skirt the same as urs and u pick out a shirt to go with it*

ok than george let's twin oo can I pink u out a shirt up go with it"*u say getting up and pulling george up u follow him to his room u shut the door he sits on his bed u open his wardrobe and pull out a white skirt the same as urs and u pick out a...

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*once u got them out u passed them to him...he stood up...*

G"do I really have to"
"Yes come on it will be cute us two twining"
G"urg fine"
*u smile at him then turn around so he could change*

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