the weekend

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⚠️tw abuse,close selfharm⚠️

( in ur dream still)

*ur in ur exs house and ur looking around unable to breath because of the cloth in ur mouth u see someone behind u with on hand on ur shoulder and the other in the air behide them its Jake u see urself flinch as his hand comes down and its u over and over*

*u wake up and realise ur In bed safe with wilbur right there next to u still fast asleep u try steady ur breathing u get up and go to the bathroom and sit on the floor just thinking*

*Wilbur wakes up and sees ur not in bed and walks to the bathroom he walks in and sees u on the floor he bends down to give u a hug u snap back on reality and only see arms coming towards u, u flinch*

W"wait lily... did u just flinch"
* u look back at wilbur and realise what u have just done ur secret is out*
W"lily? it's ok it's me I just want to comfort u here give me a hug pls tell me what happend...y did u flinch"

* u give him a hug and start to cry*
W"dont worry babes it will be ok if safe now" *he hugs u tight*
(Btw wilbur took u back to bed and u both fell back asleep)

~time skip to the morning~

Tommy is the first up he slowly opens the door trying not to wake anyone if they was sleep he sneaks downstairs and thinks hes safe to be abit louder until he gets to the living room and sees karl on the sofa tommy is about to go back upstairs but karl moves Tommy stands still trying not to wake him and then looks back to go upstairs and sees
Ranboo stood infront of him on the stairs *

R"jesus christ tommy dont just stand there go in"
T"but Karl's asleep"
R"ye so what he will have to wake up at one point"
*ranboo walks to the kitchen and starts getting pots out to make breakfast for everyone tommy sits at the island soon after they hear someone walk down the stairs*

W"guys mind keeping it down lilys trying to sleep she didnt get much last night so pls be quite also dont forget Karl's there aswell"
*tommy nods*
R"hey I'm trying to be nice and cook breakfast do u really have to go back to bed they will both have to wake up soon so what's the point"
W"ok fine I'll stay but just pls be quite"
*wilbur sits on the side of the sofa where karl wasnt there*
*ranboo drops a pan it makes a really loud sound waking up karl and u*

W"wow well done ranboo u woke karl"
K"no it's fine I needed to be up anyways"
R"um see wilbur"
W"oh shut up u better not have woke lily"

*at that timing ur at the top of the stairs in one of wills hoodies cuz u have nothing else packed other than what u wore yesterday*

"Aw thanks for ur concern wilby"
*u walk downstairs and as u pass will u kiss him u walk into the kitchen to see tommy at the island*

"Hey kiddo how r u"
"Good we will be going probs later today we will go back home"
W"wait y"
"Well we have planned the thing its next week and umm its ur house and I'm sure u would love it bed back"
T"wait what lily"

*u look at wilbur and stare at him and mouth sorry I'll try get out of it*

"Ye I didnt want to sleep with u so he gave me his bed while he slept on a air bed"
T"umm idk if i should believe u"
"Come on tommy dont be stupid"
W"ye come on tommy"
R"guys breakfast is done"
*u walk over to wilbur everyone else walks to the island*
W"its fine but u should tell him"
"Ye I'm gonna I'll do it after breakfast
*u both walk to the island an sit down with everyone u all eat*

~time skip are minutes later everyone is finished eating everyone is on the sofa~

"Hey tommy can u just follow me for and second"
*u glance at wilbur while standing up to go upstairs to Wilburs room*
T"whats up"
*ur in Wilburs room now*
"Tommy theres something I want to tell u"
T"ok what is it lily"
"Um tommy yknow how me and wilbur have been hanging around more.....well that's cuz bf"
T"fucking WHAT.....what the hell lily hes like a brother to me"
*tommy storms out and slams the door*
"I'm sorry tom..."
*tommy goes into the spare room the one he slept in u go downstairs with tears in ir eyes*

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