getting closer

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~Time skip u r at home~

U open ur door to ur apartment and kick off ur shoes and head to ur pc in ur room as u text dream.

Hey im about to start up mc
Ok well ill start up a server so u can join all of us.
*well not all of us cuz we live in different areas so some of us arent on.
Oh ok thats fine ill meet them at one point.

U join dream on mc as his name pops up calling from discord before answering u make sure ur glasses r on straight and then answer.

D:"hey y/n"
"Hey dream"
D:"so lets get started"
"Ye ok sure"
D:"so as u know not all of us r here so u wont meet all of us"
"Yep thats ok"
D:"ok lets start So u know me and gogy"
D:"ok then theres karl, quackity, wilbur, tommy, tubbo and also ranboo"
*They all shout hi as u shout hi back*
"Hey dream can u say them again plz"
*U say as u realise something*
D:"umm ye sure"
He said before quackity interupted

Big q"hey y/n im quackity
This is karl
This is wilbur
This is the child
This is bee boi
And this is ranboo
He says while running up to them all and hitting them *in mc*

U question yourself about ranboo u swear u have heard that name before but where. A voice seeps in causing u to flinch.

D"y/n r u ok u have gone quite"
Big q"come on y/n"
"Oh ye sorry about that lets play"

~Time skip to u half asleep on mc to all of them~

"Hey guys "u say with a yawn.
"I think i might call it a night ill speak to u all again probally tomz im not sure"
Dream"ok night y/n"
Ranboo"u really good at mc uknow cya"
"Ok bye"

U close everything down and lay in ur bed already in ur pjs and think to yourself where u have heard that before as u look through ur dms from u fans. A name catches ur eye ranboo is this the ranboo who played with us *u say as u click on his name ready to text him to see.

Hey umm i have a question.
Y/n:umm ok r u the ranboo that was on mc earlier with me?
Ranboo:yes if ur names y/n.
Y/n:ok well it was nice meeting u.
Ranboo:well it was nice talking to u aswell.

U both texted for hours forgetting u have to sleep and stream the next morning.

~time skip to morning~

U wake up to ur ring tone as u look at ur phone u see the name ranboo across the phone screen u answer.

R"hey y/n"
Y/n"hi" *u say in a sleepy voice*
R"oh sorry did i wake u up"
Y/n"oh no its fine i needed to wake up anyways so u helped" u both laugh*
R"well ok then. Hey i was going to say do u wanna meet up since we were talking all night"
Y/n"umm ye sure where u wanna go"
R"up to u but before we get on to that where do u live"
Y/n"do u know where george lives"
R"no actually"
Y/n"oh *u giggle* ok well ill send u my address now" *u send him ur address*
R"ok thanks ive got it wow u live pretty far but not too far"
Y/n"ye i guess id say the same but i dont know where u live anyway y did u need my address"
R"umm no reason so where we going"
Y/n"umm ok then how about the cat cafe sorry i love cats there so cute"
R"oh ok is it cuz george has cats"
Y/n"thats not the reason i like cats but i do love george's cats"
R"ok well cya there"
Y/n"ok bye ill get ready"

U say as u end the call getting out of bed to get a shower.

~time skip to u getting  ready after ur shower~

U decide to wear a cream checkered dress with a white shirt underneath like this

U decide to wear a cream checkered dress with a white shirt underneath like this

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As u get a text from ranboo saying

R:im setting off make sure ur ready
As u reply with...
Y/n:yep just getting in my car now.

*U get in ur car and drive to the cat cafe*

~time skip ur at the cat cafe waiting for ranboo outside~

*u see a car pull up and a tall man climb at the car and start to talk*

R"y/n is that u"
Y/n"uhh ranboo"
R"hey its nice to see u in real life"
U both giggle*
Y/n"ye so do u wanna go in"
R"umm ye sure"
*u both walk in and sit down on a sofa*
*just a note from me cuz i didnt say anything about the glasses well u keep urs on ranboo didnt*

R"soo umm u still have ur glasses on did u forget u had them on"
Y/n"oh no didnt i guess i just kinda like them"
R"oh umm ok"
*U both kinda sit in awkwardness while u stroke the cats*

R"so if u dont mind me asking y do u wear ur glasses on streams"
"I could ask u the same thing"
*u smile at him*
R"i dont really know i guess i just thought people would make fun of me"
"Im kinda the same u could say but thats not the only reason"
*u talk for hours in the cafe and than decide to go to ur apartment to chat some more and play some mc*

~time skip to when ur finish talking and playing mc~

R"soo um i better go u know i have work so i kinda need sleep and im guessing u do to so ill cya around"
He says while walking to the door*
"Oh umm ye we should do this more often"
*u both smile as ranboo exits the apartment*

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