moving to the same collage

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~time skip it's been a week and now is sunday~

Dreams pov:

*hes at the bus stop where gogy had told him to meet up with them all after awhile I see a short brunette with three more guys behind him walking towards the stop*

G"yep that's him alright"
D"hey nice to see u all again guess were in the same college now then"
A"nice to see bud"
S" how come u moved colleges anyways"
D"oh ye I got kicked out of my old new...long story"
A"ah ok well where we wanting to go"
G"how about my house"
D"oh ye ok"
K"ye ok then let's go"

*they all go to George's and spend the night there*

~time skip monday in class~

No ones pov:

*u walk into class as always and sit down and get ready for the teacher but today u could hear everyone whispering around u so u look around and tried to listen in to what people was saying*

"Look it's the new guy"
"I heard he got kicked out of his old college"
"Hes hot u know hes only 18 aswell"

Ik that's not his real age but everyone is this story that is at college let's say they're all around 17 to 18 maybe 19)

*u look around to see who this guy everyone is talking about and u see him in the corner of the back of the class u quickly face forward again as the teacher was starting class*

~time skip its break and ur sat on the bleachers reading a book~

*all of a sudden u hear laughing and shouting coming around to the front of the bleachers u ignore it and just hope they will do the same u keep ur head down in ur book but shift ur eyes to the corner of them to see who was going up the bleachers to realise its was the same guys from last week but with the new guy u couldn't concentrate cuz the guys were being to loud so u decide to look like u was reading but really just listen*

S"so what r u all doing tomight"
G"ive got to visit my mum sorry guys"
D"oh it's fine I've got some catching up to do"
K"ye ok well I dont know what I'm doing but I'll find something to do"
A"ye same but I'll probably stay in"
K"wait is that the girl from last week"
D"what r u on about"
*u shut ur book to make it look like u finished reading but luckily the bell to the last period saved u, u headed to ur last lesson and sat down but y saw the last person to walk in was that same new guy from earlier u come to realise this was the room where there was only a select amount of chairs and u looked around to see the last chair was next to u*

Sir"ok ur abit late mr clay but u will have to sit next to katelynn"
*as soon as u heard ur name being said u looked down out of embarrassment by people looking at u soon after u felt someone get behind ur chair and sit in the one next to u*

~time skip ur at home now~

P"how was it u seem exhausted by ur look on ur face"
"It was fine I guess u could say where techno"
P"oh hes just gone to the shop he wont be long y"
"Oh just wanted to talk to him when he comes back can u tell him I'll be in his room"
P"ye ok"
"Thanks phil"
*u walk upstairs and walk straight into technos room flopping on his bed a couple minutes later u still laid on his bed he comes up and walks in his room to find u on his bed*

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