so is that how it is

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D"oh right that...I dont know if I can well if shes ok with me saying"
Tub"oh come on u can tell us"
D"as long as u dont tell her"
G"swear I mean we could probably tell anyways"
D"so if u know u know so just say it"
N"well me and tubbo know anyways but let's let u guys do it on the count of 3....1...2....3"
D"so u did know"
K"so we was right"
S"see gogy was right u could tell"
*they all laugh until George's phone goes off*
-his pov-

Cutie kate

Hey what's with all the laughing
Down there I can hear u all
I just got out of the shower:)

*george quickly thinks that he should change ur contact name he put u as that when he first got ur number and then nothing was happening with u and dream ur contact for him is gogy (but rn his name will be george on this cuz its not ur pov its his)*

Oh its nothing just dream saying some crap XD

Oh right well I'll see u in a few also tell
Dweam that I probably will stay up here u know got to check in with my dad and brother and come down
When were going.

Ye ok.

*george puts his phone down on the sofa sitting back down where he was before soon all talking again for minutes george goes to the loo leaving his phone on the sofa*

Dreams pov:

*george gets up and goes to the loo...while hes in there his phone goes off dream picks up the phone and is about to shout to him until he sees the screen with the notification name cutie ka... he holds the phone properly and clicks on show more... it reveals the name cutie kate he turns the phone over and off putting it back on the sofa soon after george comes back*

No ones pov:

*george sits back down where he was before and gets back to talking but realises dream doesnt look so happy*

G"whats a matter with u"
D"idk cutie u tell me"
*he said annoyed mocking the name*
G"come on clay its nothing like that it was from wh..."
*dream cut him off grabbing his phone and opening the notification and messages*
D"lets see ..u have been talking to her or should I say cutie kate"
G"if u let me finish dream her name in my contract is that because its then u wasnt with her and u wasnt even in our collage then I first got her number so calm down"
D"but u still have it down as that"
G"yes because I forgot it was that"
D"um ye of course...I'll go speak to her"

*he storms upstairs and into ur room the others staying on the sofa*

"Hey u took ur time...*u look over at him*...what's wrong with u babe"
D"texting george are u"
"Yes I told him to tell u I'm staying up here and to ask u if u was coming up what's wrong with u babe"
D"did u know ur contact name on his phone is cutie kate"
*u laugh*
"Aw that's cute"
D"what r u talking about"
"OH MY LORD CLAY SIT DOWN...*u sit up and pull him on the bed*...I dont take in a lover way it's cute In a way and funny it's only a nick name calm down I'm sure hes not doing it to upset u and anyways I love u"
D"umm yeah"
*he said looking away...*
"Hey stop being moody"
*...u grab his cheeks and push him down so his laid down u climb on him and give him a hug and start kissing him...he kisses u back and then make out*



K"did u hear that"
A"sounded like kate yelling"
N"someone should check on them"
Tub"im not"
S"i will then..we need to set off anyways"
G"ye ok I'll apologise to both of them then they come down"
*sapnap walks upstairs and to the end of the hall coming to ur bedroom hearing something he knock slightly and walks in seeing u laid on clay and making out with eachother*
S"ok that enough dont u think"
*u stop and sit up on Clay's lap*
"What's up"
S"oh right were off to the pub"
"Ye we will be right down"
S"ye ok cya down there"
*he walks out the room and heads down...u get up from his lap and grab ur phone and bag he sits up and sits on the edge of the bed*

"U coming"
*u say stood at the door turning ur head back to him*
D" sorry just admiring u"
*u smile and let out a giggle*
"Oh shut up u ur not going to get any reactions out of me"
*he get up and walks to the door where u r and kisses ur forehead and u both walk down and get into the car to get to the pub*

~time skip to the pub~

*ur all walking up the pub u and alex got out the car first so ur both in front*

"So u going get hammered"
A"ye...but I bet ur not ur so...u know u just dont look like the person to get drunk at the pub"
"Ur kidding right yes I will get drunk but probably not hammered cuz I have something planned but it's not really for everyone"
A"oo with who"
"Oh secret"
*u joked and walked into the pub u and alex getting a table and the others coming soon after*

~after the pub the day ends and ur abit drunk but clay is looking after u everyone is in their rooms u in clays ur in one of his hoodies and some booty shorts~

D"come on u need to sleep now"
"Shush just abit longer pls ur so warm and comfy"
*ur voice muffled from ur head being in his chest clay picks u up and puts u in bed then lays next to u hugging u from behind u fall asleep soon after*

~time skip to morning everyones still asleep u r awake dream still asleep~

Ur pov:

*u wake up and climb out of bed pulling dreams arm and leg off u and get a shower*

-dream wakes up while ur in the shower-

*dream walks into the bathroom and starts brushing his teeth u start singing not knowing hes there*

-u sing cigarette daydream-

*Did you stand there all alone?
Oh I cannot explain what's going down
I can see you standing next to me
In and out somewhere else right now
You sigh, look away
I can see it clear as day
Close your eyes, so afraid
Hide behind that baby face

Do do do do do do

You can drive all night
Looking for answers in the pouring rain
You wanna find peace of mind
Looking for the answer

Funny how it seems like yesterday
As I recall you were looking out of place
Gathered up your things and slipped away
No time at all I followed you into the hall
Cigarette daydream
You were only seventeen
Soft speak with a mean streak
Nearly brought me to my knees

Do do do do do do

You can drive all night
Looking for the answers in the pouring rain
You wanna find peace of mind
Looking for the answer

If we could find a reason, a reason to change
Looking for the answer
If you could find a reason, a reason to stay
Standing in the pouring rain

Do do do do do do

You can drive all night
Looking for answers in the pouring rain
You wanna find peace of mind
Looking for the answer

If we could find a reason, a reason to change
Looking for the answer
If you could find a reason, a reason to stay
Standing in the pouring rain*

*dream through out u in the shower he fades out and just listens to u singing sat on the bathroom counter*

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