the garden party

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*u hear the front door go and stand up to rush over to him*

W"h..hey careful u could have ended on the floor"
*u giggle*
"R u ready"
W"ready for what"
*u go on ur tippy toes and cover wills eyes and lead him to the garden u release ur hand from his face and get down from doing ur tippy toes*
"Tardaaa do u like it"
W"lily its amazing"
"We even did the shopping go some food for the party and just for the normal days and then some alcohol since last time I kinda drank it all"
*wilbur laughs and picks u up and takes u outside and sit on the sofa u sat on his lap u all talk for a little until u get a phone call*

W"who is it"
"Sorry I have to take this"
*u go into the kitchen and answer the phone*
C"who is it"
W"i dont know she wouldn't tell me"
G"do u know who it could be"
W"no viz if it was tommy or her mum or friends she would have told me"

Ur pov:

*u go into the kitchen and answer the phone*

D"hello miss innit"
"Yes what's wrong y r u calling me I've not been in hospital In months"
D"yes about that there r done question we would like u too answer"
D"alright then how r u handing ur depression"
"Um fine"
D"umm ok next this ones a bit personal but we need to know"
"Ok what is it"
D"r u still with jake"
D"has there been anytimes u have came across him and hurt u"
"No I dont think so"
D"ok and last question have u been listening to the thoughts in ur head even if there bad thoughts"
"I dont really know"
D"ok that's it thank u"
"Can u tell me what that was for"
D"well I cant tell u what's happening but I can tell u with everything that has been going on like u going missing u might have to come in"
"But I haven't felt like I did in the hospital in ages I'm finally happy with my brother and his mates and my new lovely boyfriend pls dont make me go back doc"
D"ill try my best miss innit but if worse comes to worse u will have to"
"Ye ok" *u say with sadness in ur voice*
*u end the phone a tear falls down ur cheek u try hold back and wipe them away then head outside again and u get a text from ur friend saying there getting a taxi instead u text back ok and turn off ur phone then climb back on wills lap and cuddle him to comfort urself and just acted like nothing happend*

C"u alright lily"
"Ye fine it was just my friends they're getting a taxi instead"
G"oh ok so who r ur friends in a way of kind can be bratty like that kind of way"
"Oh ok I get u so theres f1 and shes more of a loud but if u need her she,ll be there for u and f2 is more of a quiet person until u get comfortable with her and she becomes a talkative person"
W"alot like u then"
*u laugh and put a shocked face on and nudge him with ur elbow*
"Ye kinda like me I guess u could say but I've not seen them since...*u get a flashback of jake when he was beating u up when u was on ur way to pick up ur car* ...since I dont know"
*u shake it off so u dont ruin the night ur all chatting away and hear the door go clay gets up and opens the door the walks them to the garden once u see them u get off of will and go hug them ur all sit down while ur still stood up*

"Anyone want a drink"
F1"what do u have"
"Let me think vodka, jack Daniel's, Malibu, beer and gin"
F1"umm I'll have some malibu"
F2"ye I'll go with gin"
"Clay george ranboo? Do u want anything"
C"oh just a beer"
G"same here"
R"go on I'll have one too"
"Ok noted" *u give a smile*
W"its fine I'll come with u"
"Ok but I can do it by myself"
W"ik but I'm helping"
*u walk to the kitchen and will follows y make the drinks while will takes them out u then once all the drinks are done u bring out the food so it can defrost for the bbq u both sit back down when ur friends pull u over to whisper to u*

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