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~time skip to the party~
Ranboo decides its better if he doesnt get wasted but drinks.

Ur drinking and ur both drunk u abit more than ranboo ur both dancing to the music while drinking u get close to ranboo and fall into his arms as he hugs u and sways side to side u look up at him and put ur hand on his cheek and he blush as u say.
"Hey ranboo i luv u"
He stands there in silence and then breaks it with.
R"ye i luv u too y/n"
U both sit back on the sofa talking about food and have an arguement.

R"no burger king is better than subway by far"
"No its not"
R"yes it is and thats final"
He walks to the kitchen to get water to sober up alittle while u end up drunk texting george.

Hey georgee come rounddddd were partying and me and ranboob arent talking so im bored.
Y/n ur alive ive not spoke to u in ages y r u texting werid?
What do u meannnnn gogyyy im normal .
Ok ur defo drunk ill come round ill be awhile so just hold on.

U stop texting and look up from ur phone as u realise ranboo isnt there u walk round ur apartment falling into things and make ur way to the bedroom and u see ranboo sat on ur bed on the phone to someone not giving u attention

R"umm ye im starting to sober up alittle"
W"ok well keep drinking water"
*u go over to ranboo hes still ignoring u because the arguement and ur getting annoyed cuz u want him to look at u so u sit on his lap.

He blushes while on the phone but still ignoring u so u try something u get up from sitting on his lap to whisper in his ear and this makes him blush even more than before.

R"hey so imma go will"
W"oh umm ok ik ur a still but drunk so be careful"
He ends the phone as u smile at him and he looks at u as u get up and start to walk off* he grabs ur wrist and pulls u back on the bed.
Ur close to his lips only a move away u look at his lips and look back at his eyes and he notices and leans in to kiss u, u get back on his lap and kiss him back he pulls away to take a breath but the gap is soon closed when u lean and kiss him again u start making out...


Georges pov:

Y is y/n no opening the door ill just walk in *he walks into the messy living room looking for y/n*
He walks around trying to find out what happend. "Y/n u there" *u didnt hear this cuz one ur drunk and two ur making out*
He walks to the bedroom the door is closed he decides to walk in he opens the door and catches u both making out*

Y/n pov:
U both look at george as he stands at the door of ur bedroom u climb off ranboo still alittle drunk but sober enough to know whats happening u blush as ranboo is now fully sober*
R"george its not what u think"
G"ill leave"
Y/n"gogy no"
*u run after george and grab him and sit him down on the sofa to talk as no one notices ranboo leaves the apartment.

U and george then realise ranboo's now not there...
U start to cry as george hugs u telling u its ok*with u still being alittle drunk u start feeling sick u run to ur bathroom as george runs after u not knowing whats happening u start throwing up and george holds ur hair back for u and rubs ur back.

When u finish u sit on the floor as george sits on the side of the bath.

As u r now sober u say

"Im sorry george idk what i was thinking i was drunk and messed up and now ranboo is upset with me"
G"whats not true y/n he just needs time its ok hes not upset trust me"

~time skip its nearly been two week and ranboo had still not talked to u texted u or anything george has kept coming over to make sure ur still ok~

George just went home from checking on u. U start looking through all the texts from ranboo before this all happen and u start to cry on ur bed...

~go back in time to when ranboo left the apartment~

Ranboo's pov:
I got my shoes on and left as i was trying to process what just happend did she really mean all that or was it cuz she was drunk but it felt real i do luv her *he thinks to his self walking to a cafe cuz he cant drive home yet*

He calls wilbur*

W"hey did u drink water"
R"umn yes im sober now thanks"
W"its ok so y did u call pls dont say its that blood thing again cuz idk"
R"oh no its not that im not worried about that anymore"
W"ok so what is it"
R"its y/n ive done something i shouldnt have"
W"u didnt do the deed did u"
R"no will no i didnt but idk how to say it"
W"just say it"
R"well the first bit is fuzzy cuz its before i had water but ill try remember so i think we were singing and then we sat down and i think she said she loved me but idk"
W"well was she aiming it at u or something u was doing"
R"thats the point idk and idk if i said it back but theres something else when i was abit more sober"
W"go on then"
R"well it was after i ended the call with u she was trying to tourment (its probs wrong spelling sorry im bad at spelling) me she whisped in my ear but i cant remember what she said but then she climbed off me and tried walking off"
W"umm ok anything else"
R"yes so the last thing i remember is we was making out and george walked in but idk y y/n hasnt spoke to him lately and then i walked out and now im here in a cafe"
W"oh well umm idk what to say im sorry but do u want me to take u home"
R"umm ye sure thanks"

~back to the present where ur checking ur old texts crying~

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