so um this secret

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*u both go down and sit on the sofa still in ur pjs*

A"morning sleepy heads..."
Tub"r u guys ok u have slept for nearly the whole day"
"Ye fine just didnt realise the time I guess I was really tired although I didnt feel it"
G"how about u clay"
D"ye fine"
S"so u both slept in what was u both doing sleeping together"
*he laughs clearly joking but u and clay go red and still*
K"ok well were we off today"
D"um well I think it's a stay in day because we slept in"
N"ok sounds alright I guess"

*u all watch tv*

~time skip after awhile of watching tv u all put a movie on~

"I'll get some food for us all"
*u get up and walk to the kitchen*
D"does anyone want a drink"
A"um I'll have coke thanks clay"
K"ye same"
S"same here"
N"just get coke for all of us clay...thanks"
D"ye ok"
*he walks into the kitchen meeting u he stands behind u and fits his hands around ur waist kissing the nook of ur neck...u turn ur neck and kiss him on the cheek*
*he said in a deep voice and u get butterflies and rest ur head on him suddenly someone walks in and clay quickly moves to make the drinks and  u with the popcorn*
S"whats taking so long clay u have only started making them really here just passes the coke u bring the cups in"
*sapnap grabs the coke and clay grabs the cups on the way out kissing u sapnap already gone*

N"come on kate"
K"ye come on"
Tub"come on kate we can start the movie once ur here"
*u come in and bring the popcorn then start the flim*

~time skip everyone is asleep now in their own rooms skip to morning~

*u walk out and stand at the door*
"What's up"
K"what do u want"
S"whats with the yelling"
Tub"whats wrong clay"
G"u alright what's with u"
A"can u all shut up I was sleeping"
N"whats a matter clay"
D"were going out that's the point of a roadtrip"
"Urg fine everyone get ready"
*everyone walks back in their rooms ur about to walk back onto urs before someone grabs ur hand and swirls u back round and pulls u in a hug u smile and give a little laugh*

"Clay I've got to get a shower come on we cant do this now someones gonna see us"
D"oh come on u know u like it..taking risks it's always fun once and awhile"
"Fine u got me there just not here clay I need to get a shower"
D"urg fine"
*he chuckles and u smile and walk into ur room clay walking downstairs since hes ready*

~time skip to on the road~

*u sat next to clay in the front
Sapnap tubbo and alex in the middle then karl and nikki in the back*

Tub"so where r we even going to"
N"ye where r we going"
D"idk it was sapnaps suggestion from the first day we just went to mine first which was that beach"
K"ok cool so where we going sapnap"
A"go on tell us"
S"its this nice forest"
"Oh really"
S"ye it's pretty nice but it's a walk to get to the bridge"
"Oh well im sure its worth it"
S"ye it is"
"Ok good well cant wait"

*a few hours later of awkward silence and only slices of people talking over the music*

D"is this it"
S"yes were here we just have a bit of walking to do"

~time skip about half an hour~

S"ok..ok I'm sorry that took longer from the last time I came here but were here now"

"Wow so it really was worth it then"N"i guess it was"Tub"dont know about u lot but I'm sitting on the rocks with my feet in the water"K"ye me too"A"sounds like a plan to me"N"ill join"S"coming

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"Wow so it really was worth it then"
N"i guess it was"
Tub"dont know about u lot but I'm sitting on the rocks with my feet in the water"
K"ye me too"
A"sounds like a plan to me"
N"ill join"
S"coming...hey u guys coming"
"Um I think imma sit on the bridge"
S"ye ok dream how about u"
D"um ye I think I'll be down soon"
S"alright then cya"
*u and clay nod and he makes his way to the others clay sits down next to u*

D"u didnt want to sit with them"
"Y would I"
D"o...oh i dont know u just thought u would"
"What happened to this morning huh"
*u turn to him grabbing his hoodie and leaning in but he pulls away theres a silence u start tearing up*

"s..sorry I..."
*u get up and start running deeper into the forest*
*he sighs then puts his head in his hands*

*a few minutes pass and everyone starts to go back to the bridge where clay is*

S"whats wrong with u sad sack"
K"wheres katelynn gone wasnt she over here with u"
D"well I thought she would come back but she hasn't we need to fine her she went deeper in the forest"
A"well what r we waiting for we need to look for her already"
*they all set off deeper in the forest looking for u*
N"what did u even do...KATE PLS COME BACK"
*after a couple minutes or even hours u all split up to find u and niki finds u behind a tree sat on the floor head in ur knees crying she sits next to u*
N"hey..hey kate it's ok what to tell me what happened we was all worried"

"I...I dont t..think he..he and I.. I even..t..told him how i felt and i thought h..he was showing back b..but I think he was j..just playing me on so I look stupid"
*u say sobbing*
N"oh darling its ok"
*she pulls u into a hug and u start crying again*

~time skip u have calmed down and niki has texted everyone to come back to the car where u both r waiting soon after u all got in the car and is on the way home this time u and alex swap seats~

*u all get home and most of u sit on the sofa the rest go upstairs doing whatever in their rooms u being one of the people who went upstairs only leaving niki and clay on the sofa*

N"so what happened then"
D"i..well I heard that time when she shouted how she feels...and there was a time where george caught us making out in my room and then there was a time were we fell asleep in her room the day we came back from the first road trip then we had some other moments aswell...and the reason she ran off today is because this morning after everyone went back in their rooms I pulled her back hugging her and she said she had to get a shower and I wouldn't let her go saying it's good to take risks so she did then everyone went to the further end of the lake and she tried to kiss me but I pulled away then before I could say anything she ran off crying"
N"ok clay wait a second that's alot to take in...ok well u havent spoke to her"
D"no I think I should give her space...when u found her did she say anything"
N"oh ye..."
D"so what did she say"
N"she doesnt think u feel the same way as her and she thinks ur doing it to make her look stupid"
D"i wish she knew it's nothing like that...I'll speak to her later dont worry"
N"ye ok...but I swear if u hurt anymore as she already has in her life u will regret it clay ok well cya"

*niki gets up and goes to bed clay falls asleep on the sofa*

~time skip to morning~

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