family day out

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Tw:not eating

"I thought u told u to go to bed"
T"i didnt want to"
*techno said leaning on the door frame his hands hooked on the top inside his room his body leaning toward u*
"Well if u dont go to bed I wont either"
T"no that's not the deal"
"What's the deal then"
T"i go to sleep once ur asleep"
T"no buts now sleep we have a full day tomorrow and were all going out so u need sleep now go"
*u put ur arms around him and hug him tight he pulls his arms down from the frame and to ur back giving u a hug back u stood there a few minutes before letting go*
"Also just before I go to bed only cuz u asked nicely I'm 19 I dont need to get told when to go to bed"
*he gives a smug smile and scoffs then turns into his room closing the door u walk to ur room shutting the door and getting in ur bed and slowly falling asleep dreaming this time about what just happend*

~time skip~

*u wake up to techno shaking u then u sit up and rub ur eyes and turn to him he sits on the end of ur bed already dressed*

T"hey get ready were going soon probably once ur ready"
"Morning to u too and ye ok ill get ready now"
*he heads to the door as u stand up*
T"dont be long"
"Oh before u go techno can u not tell phil I was sick also where r we going so I know how to dress"
T"ok r u sure..and I dont know where were just wear Jean's or leggings with a top maybe bring a coat or hoodie and if it's hot u can leave it in the car"
"Ye ok I'll get some leggings and a shirt pls dont tell him I dont wanna worry him even more it was only the yogurt I ate anyways that's all"
T"ye ok as long as ur sure"
*u nod ur head and he walks out the door closing it u head to ur wardrobe and pick out some leggings a jumper and some shoes u walk out ur room and go downstairs meeting Phil and techno they stand up u walk towards them*
P"u ready to go"
"Ye where r we going anyways"
T"just around cafe at one point maybe on a walk"
"I thought u didnt know where we was going"
T"I didnt until now"
*u said nearly laughing and all if u walking out and into the car*

~time skip~

*Phil parks the car and u all get out the car then start walking into this forest walk way*

"So walk first"
T"its not that long of a walk"
"I'm not bothered about walking I just dont want to hear ur voice all day"
*u say cracking a joke*
P"ye ok"
T"well I dont want to hear urs either"
*he says cracking a joke back u smile and put one ear bud in and start playing ur songs u start humming along to it walking ahead*

T"well atleast she seems happier than before"
P"ye it's nice to see her like this"
T"now its just a matter of time until she stays like this and I can ask her what I wanted to and see ur boyfriend"
P"ur really interest in him arent u"
T"yes I wanna know who she met that became her boyfriend shes seen my girlfriend"
P"how is she anyways"
T"shes good...let's just hope katelynn will stay this way"
P"thats I hope she does"
*u turn around taking the ear bud out ur ear*

"Hey hows the mothers meeting going other there"
*they both look at u embarrassed since u caught them out u start laughing and turn back around putting the bud back in they both smile*
P"it is really nice seeing her like this"
*u all walk and walk and walk until u break off from the woodland path and start walking into this sort of town after reaching the sort of town u all sit at the cafe ur speaking and messing around with techno and phil until techno takes a picture of u without u noticing since he already was on his phone...*


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