dream × katelynn

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(Ur names katelynn u let close people call u Kate ur 18 in this story and ur dad is Phil and ur brother is techno u was adopted from when u was around 6 years old ur backstory is ur mum left u when u was born and left u with ur dad but when u turned 2 he passed on ur birthday even since then u have never told anyone and also dont even call Phil dad btw u have college on mondays and Tuesdays. Also u all live in California but dream lives there too just doesn't go to the same college)

Ur pov:

*u have gone home from collage...its a monday night ur sat in ur room doing homework...theres a knock on ur door*

T"hey katelynn can I come in"
(He hasn't let him or phil call u kate tbh they dont know u can even go by kate)
"Huh...oh ye come in"
*u said not concentrated to busy with ur head in ur homework he walks in then comes over to the bed where ur sat*
T"still doing ur homework I see"
*he pulls ur sheet of homework away from u, u try and get it off him but fail so u just stop trying*

"What do u want techno"
T"cant u take a break for once even since u came home u have been out ur room"
"Ye I have to get it done for tomorrow pls once I have finished I'll come down"
T"ok fine just make sure u do cuz u havent eaten"
"Ye...ye I will do now give me my sheet back"

*he hands u the sheet back and u give a smile and get going with it again techno leaves ur room closing the door behind himself...he heads downstairs to find his dad..Phil sat on the sofa on his phone techno sits beside him*

P"hey kid what's up"
T"oh nothing just katelynn is still doing her homework every since she got back shes not been out of her room at all not for the bathroom not even for food"
P"she will be fine techno I'm sure she ate before she left or while she was out"
T"thats the thing she didnt have time to get anything before she left cuz I was down here and I asked her and she said she was going to be late so it doesnt matter but then she called me the time she normally has her dinner and she wasnt eating"
P"she has had something cuz I checked up on her earlier and she was eating so just stop stressing techno i know u care for her but ur sister is fine"
*phil gave a smile and techno turn on the tv*

~time skip about 20 minutes later~

*ur still upstairs in ur room u hadn't had much sleep the night before so u ended up falling asleep while doing ur homework phil and techno still downstairs watching tv*

T"hey I think I'm going to go up to bed"
P"ye ok well check on katelynn before u go to bed"
*techno walks upstairs t"ye will do night dad"
*techno makes his way to ur room and knocks on the door...no answer he knocks again and waits still no answer he opens the door and walks towards ur bed and sees u have fallen asleep while working he pulls the cover over u picks up the book and sheet then places then on ur desk and sets ur alarm and walks out of ur room and into his getting in his own bed to sleep*
(Btw u do have a dorm in college but u dont really like the people cuz ur shy in a way but also u would rather stay at home)

~time skip it's now morning and u wake up to ur alarm~

*u get out of bed realising u have enough time to get something small to eat before u go but then while u was getting changed u saw ur homework sat on ur desk and saw u never finished it so u quickly finished getting ready putting on ur makeup shoving ur cheer clothes in ur bag then grabbing everything including ur homework and run downstairs u sit on the table and quickly finish ur homework...techno walks downstairs*

T"morning katelynn"
T"oh ye sorry I didnt want to wake u so I just set ur alarm"
"Oh ye it's fine...thanks for letting me sleep but I really need to finish this"
T"oh ye sorry go ahead"

*u smile and get back to ur work u finally finish and look at the time*

*u whisper under ur breath knowing if u didnt set off now u will be late picking up ur homework and sliding off the chair heading to ur bag to put the sheet and book in it*

T"arent u gonna get some food"
*he says as ur putting on ur shoes*
"I havent got time sorry techno I will tomorrow since I dont have uni but thanks anyways....well I'll see u later"
T"ye ok bye"
*u pick up ur bag with ur homework and cheer clothes in it and walk out the door as techno waves u off*

No ones pov:

~at university its later on in the day and u now have cheer practice on the field~

*u all have changed in the changing rooms and r now on the field practicing *

Karls pov:

*him ,sapnap, george and alex sat on the bleachers that looked over the field*

G"hey dream answered"
*george said looking at his phone*
K"what did he say"
G"he said I'll be moving into a new college soon in a week"
S"what college"
G"he didnt say"
A"ask him then"
*george texted dream back asking dream replied pretty fast*
G"he said ................"
(I dont know names of college so just pretend or put ur own in if u really want)
S"thats this one"
A"oh ye it is"
G"ill text him"
*george texts dream again as the other stare off into the field*

Umm I think its ............

Just realise u will
Be coming to
Our collage.


Wait really well cant wait to
See u all again.gtg cya

G"hey guys dream said he cant wait to see us all again"
*george said to them as he turned his head to look at them to see mo of them were listening but staring out onto the field*
G"hey..hey what r u guys looking at"
K"oh sorry george what was u saying"
*karl said looking back at george the others still facing forward*
G"i said dream texted back saying he cant wait to see us all again"
K"oh ok cool cant wait to see him again"
G"ye same..so what yall looking at"
S"that girl there on the field doing cheer the one on the left"
G"ye ok what about her"
A"it feels like shes new none of us have seen her before"
G"oh shed not new I've seen her in the halls but that's about it"
K"do u know her name"
G"no like I said I've only seen her in the halls ive never spoken to her or anything like that y"
S"shes..shes hot"
A"hes got that right"
K"lets talk to her after shes finished"

~time skip u have finally finished cheer and was drinking ur water~

*four boys start to come down the bleachers but u dont notice they all approach u as ur finishing ur drink and about to head to the changing rooms*

*u say with a shaky voice cuz ur not good with people*
K"ye of course"
G"whats ur name"
"I..um I..."
A"come on u can tell us"
"I've.. g..got to go"

*u walk off to the changing rooms as one of the other girls walk passed them and say cg"her names katelynn"
(Cg=cheer girl also I know this sounds horrible but u have no friends but u dont mind cuz u hate talking to people so she only knew ur name because of being in cheer with u)*

K"well katelynn huh"
S"guess we scared her off"
G"come on guys let's just go home already"
A"ye ok let's go"

*they head home so does everyone else in the college*

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