what to do

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Tw:not eating,sick

...once u collect urself u sit on ur bed and close ur eyes slowly drifting away*

~time skip~

*u wake up and see the glistening sunlight through ur window u open it and climb on to the ledge outside ur window and make ur way to ur roof u did this often when ur upset angry or even just to avoid people u lay down on the roof just rethinking life and everything after just thinking for awhile u carefully climb down and back into ur room closing the window behind urself u change and slowly walk down the stairs meeting with ur 'dad' in a sense otherwise known as phil he walks up to u and give u a tight hug which makes u feel bad and ends up in tears he pulls back still holding ur shoulders*

P"hey hey katelynn its ok...I'm gald to see u tell me everything...actually u dont have to I'm just worried u can tell me if u want"
"D..dad I'm fine calm down breath"
*u say wiping ur tears and hugging him*
P"ok ok I'm sorry...I've just been worried"
"Ye ik and I'm sorry for that I've just been going through alot lately and it's been hard..."
*u stop mid-sentence*
P"hey what's up"
"Oh nothing just been feeling sick".
P"oh ok do u want me to help u to the toilet"
*u take a deep breath and swallow*
"No I'm fine"
*u say straight after gipping and lifting ur hand over ur mouth then running back upstairs and into ur bathroom getting on the floor infront of the toilet phil running after u and rubbing ur back with one hand and with the other holding ur hair...ur gagging but nothings coming up probably because u have nothing to throw up since u havet been eating*
P"r u ok"
"Um well I...I feel sick and feel like I'm gonna throw up but nothings coming up"
P"have u eaten it might be that"
*u froze still and dont answer him...u sit down on the floor and sit against the wall phil let go of ur hair and back*
"Hey um phil do u mind if I take next week off well next Monday and Tuesday I dont know if I'm ready to face anyone it took me alot just to face u and techno"
P"ye I dont want u to be uncomfortable I mean I dont know what happened for this to happen but take as long as u need katelynn"
"Thanks dad"
*u and him hug he then pulls away and let's u be alone...u stand up grabbing ur phone then earphones and climb back out on to the roof where u laid before and put ur earphones in and play some music soon after u drift away*

~time skip~

*u wake up with the rain slowly planting itself on the roof including u...u safely make ur way down and shut the window*

'When did I fall asleep out there...how did I not fall off...I'm drenched'

*u walk in the bathroom and shut the door u take off the wet clothes and step in the shower after turning it on to the right temperature all u could think about was how the others were doing no matter how much u convinced urself that they didnt care u cared for them u didnt want to lose them even if they were faking being ur friend u loved them to bits u had many friends even a boyfriend ur surprising ur self by the minute u never used to have this not even on friend all u could feel now is guilt and loneliness ur....u turned ur head in the shower to wash the shampoo out ur hair but u didnt realise how bad that was until u was laid in the shower knocked out*

Phils pov:

*he hears a big bang on the floor above him he realises the floor above him is the bathroom and the only other person in the house is u he hurrys upstairs and checks ur room to see ur not their he runs to the bathroom then opens the door no ones there he realises the shower in on and the curtain closed he opens it and sees u he quickly grabs a towel laying is over u and picks u up turning off the shower before hand then takes u to ur room laying u on ur bed he trys to wake u by shaking and not yelling but loud enough so u could hear once u wasnt waking up he goes downstairs and calls techno...shortly after he arrives and meets phil walking up and down the kitchen*

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