its meant to be

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~Time skip to a few days of playing mc with the team and meeting up with ranboo~
_________________________________________just a note in these "dates" well there not really dates but ye anyways u havent took of u glasses just kinda kept them on but who knows that could change.

Its night and ur on a "date" with ranboo
At ur apartment watching a movie *idk what movie u choose its coming to the end of the movie and u can feel ranboo trying to get comfy like somethings bothering him.

Ranboo's pov:

*I adjust myself as a feel something fill ur body i dont know what it is but i get it everytime im with y/n i dont hate the feeling.*
*i blush and try hide it from y/n*
I move alittle but try not make y/n uncomfy as she laid on my chest watching the film i feel something move on my chest.*y/n turn ur head to face him but still on his chest as he trys to get his words out*

Y/n pov:

*u place ur finger on his lips and u close ur eyes and lift up ur glasses to reveal ur eyes as u slowly open them back up and take ur finger away from his lips u can see him blush*

R"umm y/...
*u cut him off*
"Shhh ur too loud my head hurts u turned the movie up too loud"
*he sits in silence looking at u, u both blush as ur eyes meet just about when u both was going to say something*
R"soo umm u took ur glasses off"
"Oh umm ye there not so comfy uknow and i can trust u now well i hope"
R"ye u can so was that the real reason"
"What do u mean"
R"umm a while ago when we meet i asked y u wear them and u said cuz u liked them and u feel people r going to make fun of u"
"Oh umm well about that"
*u look down at his chest making shapes with ur finger on his chest*
R"u can tell me im not going to tell anyone"
*he smiles*
"Umm ok then but u swear not to tell anyone"
*u feel ur eyes start to fill up with tears cuz u never really liked telling people cuz how people have reacted in the pasted u look back up try to hold back but u never realised that they alrealy was streaming from ur eyes*
R"hey hey its ok u dont have to tell me"
*he wipes ur tears from ur eyes not realising the blood and wiping his hand on his shirt to wipe away the tears from his hand*
_________________________________________hint from me he didnt notice cuz the lights were off and if i didnt say its kinda late and they were off cuz u was watching a film anyways back to the story.

*he runs his hand through ur hair as u r face down on his chest almost asleep*

~a short time skip u fell asleep on ranboo still on the sofa and him running his hand through ur hair until he realises*

Ranboo's pov:

I run my hand through y/n's hair until i realise shes fast asleep on my chest i sit up supporting her head and top half i move my hand to behide her knees and the other under her back her head resting on my arm i take her to her room and put her to bed  being staying here sometimes i have some clothes she washed *sorry another hint he still has the blood from ur tears on his shirt*
I decided i should change into some pjs so i did.

I was changing about take off my shirt facing the mirror in y/n's bedroom and i realised blood where y/n was layed on my chest and where my hands were i start to worry as i lift the covers off y/n looking for any cuts or wounds i find none so i put the covers back on her i check myself and also find none i decide to change in my pjs still worrying as i do so and lay down on top of the covers next to y/n and start texting the group chat.

*The group is :tommy tubbo wilbur and some others but lets pretent their not here rn*

Hey guys do u know any info about blood coming from no where?
what r u on about?
R u on about women boiis cuz im in.
Hey what r we talking about?
oh umm well tommy ur kinda close.
Wait what no joke?
Ooo who is it??
Is she nice??
Its not the time for that i need answers im worried.
Oh wait ur not kidding what happend?
What did u do ranboo?
I didnt do anything its y/n we were watching a film and umm she kinda fell asleep on my chest.
Oh y/n she nice what happend is she ok?
Umm so what do u need answers for??
Its clear he had a girl fall asleep on him and he doesnt know what to do haha ranboo u know nothin about women do u.
No i mean yes its not that tho.
So what is it... is she hurt u better not of hurt her ranboo.
Tubbo i would never.
So what is it.
Well we was watching a film and she fell asleep on me and so i decided to take her to bed so shes more comfy. And i get ready to change in my pjs and i spot blood spots where she was layed.
Oh god did u check to see if theres any cuts.
R:yes but theres none..none on her or me.
Shit umm well i know nothin about this.
oh no i hope everyones ok.
Ill search it up.
*ranboo waits as wilbur searches stuff up and checks on u while he waits*

Umm ranboo ur not going to like it.
What, what is it. Is she ok.
Ye what is it .
I wanna know too.
Ok well it says girls get it every month and well it come out from there "uknow" and they cant contol it.
eww thats gross.
Im scared is she gonna bleed out.
guys calm down its not that cuz it was on my shirt and the rest of her body wasnt on me but her head.
Idk then i cant help sorry ranboo.
Sorry its the same for me
Idk but i hope shes ok take care of her.

*they go offline as ranboo is about to put his phone down u roll over still asleep facing ranboo...

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