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Ur pov:

*once I tidy up I head downstairs saying goodbye to tubbo and leaving in my car I head home but slowly open the door just incase clay was here I noticed patches run to me as soon as she met with u..u knew clay wasnt here and walked in fully u went upstairs and straight to bed u havent forgiven ur self for accepting the offer to do the challenge getting drunk u kissing sapnap fighting with clay staying at tubbos pushing clay further away just everything u did for urself u felt horrible u did this to everyone u made everything turn on all the friendships they had u caused the bad no matter if u pushed them away*

"Y am I like this...its just a stupid word he didnt mean it he even said he loved me"
*u say quietly while stroking patches*

*ur thoughts take over after thinking about all that...but that kiss full of lust and passion u needed that right when u got it the feeling of his soft lips against urs they moved in sync u loved it the feeling of his warn body against urs...*

*u shake ur head trying to get rid of the thoughts*

*I cant...I cant be falling for sapnap  were just friends and its staying that way u was both drunk it meant nothing...right he didnt actually want to kiss me like he loved me right...anyways u cant u had clay and u loved him u just needed time to urself to figure out how to talk to clay*

*and with that u fall asleep*

~time skip a few days~

*u wake up to a knock at the front door u slowly get out of bed and while walking down the stairs u try make urself a little presentable u answer the door to see sapnap u go red u dont know y but u do u dont want to...u stood out the way to let him in he walks in and sits on the sofa u close the door*

S"hey it's ok I'm not gonna tell clay"
*what was he planning on doing as u sit on the armchair near the sofa he was sat on*
"W..what r u doing here"

"i wanted to check up on u...*he looks down at u studying ur body*...kate u really need to eat look at urself I can see it bones come on get a shower and then we can go out and get u something  to eat"
S"no ifs no buts go kate"
"Urg fine"
*u get up and walk upstairs to the shower while u was showering all u could think about was sapnaps lips u wanted to kiss so badly but u cant is the real reason u want sapnap is because clay isnt here and u really just want him...*

~time skip u finished ur shower~

*I get ready and do my makeup light I change into an oversized t-shirt and cycling shorts with ur hair curled...

*I get ready and do my makeup light I change into an oversized t-shirt and cycling shorts with ur hair curled

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u head downstairs meeting with the raven hair boy looking through his phone he hear the door open and looked at u walking down the stairs*

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...u head downstairs meeting with the raven hair boy looking through his phone he hear the door open and looked at u walking down the stairs*

S"wow u look gorgeous"
*he mumbles under his breath u hear him u blush light pink*
"What was that"
S"e..r...um I said u took long enough"
"Y..ye ok c..can I just stay here..i dont wanna go out"
S"ye ok but in ordering food then"
*he looks at u in the eyes with a glare like he was staring into ur soul u look away and he goes back to ordering the food on his phone*
S"u should call dream well clay hes worried I mean I've nearly known he my whole life and never seen him like this or cry with me there"
"W..wait really"
*u look up tears glazed ur eyes looking like at any minute they would stream down ur face which they started to do as u blinked*

Sapnap pov:

S"u should call dream well clay hes worried I mean I've nearly known he my whole life and never seen him like this or cry with me there"
"W...wait really"
*I was making the order still looking at my phone I heard her voice crack with sadness I look up to see a tear stream down her face knowing there was more where that came from I stood up from the armchair and sat next to her on the sofa she fall into my arms as soon as I placed them she sobbed and cried into my chest...the pizza arrived she still was crying we ate but I couldnt help but notice she didnt really want to eat its like every bite she took was small and hesitant soon after she laid back on my chest still crying I could feel her tears through my hoodie i comforted her until she ran out of tears i could just hear her sniffle she placed her head facing me*
"I...is he ok"
S"he will be kate he will be fine"
"B..but it was my fault I kissed ur soft lips and that's what started all this"
*ur voice broke with the same sadness sapnap was red in the cheeks*
"What's with u"
S"m..my lips r soft are they"
"Wa....wait what how did...u"
S"oh um"
*I said nervously rubbing my hand behind me neck my thoughts traveled wait what she said how did I know does that mean she thought of me and that's one of the things that came to mind I just get the urge to kiss her everytime I saw her shes so beautiful her heart made from gold shes too kind clay really is a lucky guy but one kiss couldnt hurt right it's not like we hadn't done it before*

ur pov:

*sapnap had got distracted and lost in his mind I tried getting his attention back...*

"Sapnap.....sapnap r u ok nick talk to me SAPN..."

...I felt the same warm feeling on the presents of that body against mine and the soft lips my eyes were closed for a second until I realised I quickly opened my eyes pulling away slapping him on the cheek even thoughu wanted his kiss u knew u couldnt it wouldn't be fair even if u and dream aren't the best rn*

S"im sor..."
S"im sorry kate I didnt mea...I didnt...I just needed to I couldnt get enough the first ur just perfect I couldnt help myself"
"Get out...."
S"im sorry kate pls"
*I was crying yet again at this point he felt i sat back down sliding onto the floor breaking down i decided to get up thinking of clay after ages of sitting on the floor knees into chest and headed for ur car to sapnaps house u assume he was there saying he knew everything that was going on with clay*

~time skip u got there u stood at the door crying~

*u stood there a couple minutes thinking of what to do...do u knock do u go back home until u knocked karl opens the door to see u still in the same outfit, hairstyle and light makeup just with the mascara streamed down ur face still crying karl pulled u into a hug and called for clay he didnt answer karl took u to the room clay was staying in and let go of u...u looked up at him and he gave u a nod to reassure u he then left u stood outside his door and knocked a sudden dark figure appeared with there head down and hoodie up he then looked up u saw the boys eyes puffy and red bags under them messed up hair and wearing a hoodie with joggers u run into him pushing him into his room his foot hit the door when u landed on him causing him to fall as u pushed him in u stayed there laying on his chest on the floor*

Dreams pov:

*I didnt get to catch the face before falling on the floor being pushed by whoever this was but the feeling of happiness was back and the warm feeling of being in the presence of "Kate" I looked down to see her hair styled in a hair crown and curled she soon look back i saw her makeup smudged from crying I cup her face with my hands and use my thumbs to wipe her tears we soon stand up and hug*

"I'm sorry clay I'm sorry I shouldn't have left u I'll never leave again pls stay with me I dont even wanna be alone again didnt mean for it to happen again"
*she said in an almost whisper I found help but notice she said again what did she mean but it's not the time for that u finally have her back in my arms*
D"dont worry I'm not going anywhere I love u kate..."

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