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"It was a normal day in the underground. We woke up and went out to get some food. We haven't had the money to buy food for the past couple of days and it was my turn to get some.

"Hey guys! I'm heading off now!" I shouted hoping the others would hear me.

I heard a shout back, " Okay and don't get caught (Y/n)." That was Isabel. She had maroon-ish hair with a bright smile. She had wide eyes with green eyes within them. She was a bit taller than me but not by much.

"Come back safe. And make sure the MP's don't follow you" another voice followed. It was Farlan. Another one of my best friends. I liked him but not in a lovey dovey way. He had blonde hair and blue/silver eyes that had a shimmer of light on them. "We will tell Levi you've gone to get food."

"Thanks guys. I'll see you in a bit hopefully." I walked out of the door and made my way to the tunnel that leads to the city. I didn't bring my 3dm gear since it was too risky I would be found by the police.

As I was walking, a memory flashed across my mind.


"M-mom..d-dad..?" I stared in shock at their lifeless bodies.

"Awh did we kill your parents? What a shame.. they didn't even leave anything good apart from a hopeless child." One man said.

"Should we just kill them? Let them be free from their misery? Besides, they might go and snitch on us to the police. Then what?" Another man said.

"What are they gonna tell them? That there are criminals on the loose trying to kill her?"

"Well mayb-"

"We'll take her with us"


"Do I look like I'm joking?" but don't you think taking a child is going to help us?"

"No but we can keep her as a house pet. A slave."

I was lifted up by one of the men but for some reason I couldn't fight back. Was I too scared? Weak? No...I'm not weak. I'm not meant to be weak. Dad always told me 'to fight til the end no matter what the cost'.

"Let go of me.." I mumbled to the man.

"Speak up brat" the man holding me said.

"I said let. Go. Of. Me." I repeated looking up at the man with the devils eyes. I stared into the centre of his eyes with my emotionless eyes, demanding me to let go. But the man being the ignorant man he was, he didn't listen to the threat.

"Hah what are you going to do brat? Bite me?" He mindlessly said. So I did. He let out a roar of pain and anger. He threw me to the ground I front of him and inspected his wound. It was bleeding harshly.

"Your going to pay for that you little-"

I heard a zipping noise to my left and heading straight towards the man. The other man fled the scene before he got into any trouble. Someone faced away from me - facing the man - and looked like they whispered something in his ear. The man soon got up and ran like his life depended on it. Two more zip sounds came towards my way.

"That's right! You better run away!" A female voice said.

"Yeah! What she said!" Another male voice said.

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