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A titan was thrown over us. Me and Armin look back towards the Armoured titan and it was throwing titans like they weighed nothing. Another one was thrown which made dust fly around so we couldn't see anything.

"Eren! Mikasa!" I hear Armin shout. I look back to see them both fallen off their horse and laying on the ground. Mikasa tries to get up but falls back down.



I look up to see a massive titan heading their way. It had blonde, shoulder-length hair and a massive grin from ear-to-ear. It headed directly towards Eren and Mikasa.


I saw a woman laying down and probably unconscious. Her lower half  of her body was underneath a fallen house.

"Mom!" I hear a boy scream. "We are going to get you out of here!" I look to see a boy with turquoise eyes and a saddened face. Was that Eren?

A girl suddenly appeared after him. She had black hair and a red scarf. That was the same scarf that Mikasa always wears. This was Eren and Mikasa's mom.

They try to lift up the beam that was restricting her from moving. "Go! Run as far as you can!" she tries to tell the kids.

"We are not going to just leave you here mom!" The boy shouts.

"Mikasa! Take your brother and run!" She tells Mikasa but she stays quiet. They continue to try and lift up the beam but fails.



We all look up to see a titan coming towards them. It was the same titan that was approaching them with blonde, shoulder-length hair.

"Just leave me here! We either all die or one of us die!" the woman shouts. "My legs are crushed so I won't be able to run!"

"That isn't our only option, Carla." I see Hannes run to her. "None of us are going die. My duty is to help those in danger and that is what I'm going to do!"

He runs towards the titan with his blades in his hands and then stops. He runs back towards the kids and scoops them up. He then runs away, leaving the woman behind.

"Wait! No! Let me down!" the boy screams.

"Thank you." I hear the woman say as tears stream from her eyes. She is picked up by the titan and bitten in half.

--flashback end--

I clutch my hair and jump off the horse. I run towards the two.

"(Y/n)!" Armin shouts as another titan is thrown above us all. I look back to see Jean caught in the rubble that flew around.

I try to run back but I see Armin go after him. I continue to run to Eren and Mikasa as the titan gets closer.

"(Y/n)! Get back!" Eren shouts. The titan lifts up its hand and swings it at us before I can say anything. I stand up and prepare for the impact it will cause by swatting me, but nothing touches me.

I look over to see Hannes holding back the hand and then slicing it off. "Hannes?!" I ask.

"What are the odds of this happening?!" He looks at us with a smile. "I am going to avenge your mother and butcher the shit out of this thing!" he says before flying up to the titan and slicing portions of it away.

Mikasa stands up and attempts to go help. "Sit back down Mikasa. You're injured." I stop her.

"Untie my hands at least!" Eren says. "Hurry! I need to be the one to kill that titan!" Mikasa follows his orders and unties his hands. He stands up and walks forward.

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