The Crown (pt. 1)

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"Guys! Am I late?" I run up to them. Reiner, Porco and Pieck were all there along with the candidates apart from Colt.

"No not at all. And why are you dressed up so... weird?" Porco asks.

I look around and grab his wrist. I pull him towards an alleyway and the others follow behind.

"Think about it. I am going to become queen later and if I just suddenly walked around in broad daylight, anything could happen."

"So what's up with the blindfold?" Gabi asks.

I take my blindfold off and reveal my eyes to them. All their mouths opened as they started straight into my soul. It freaked me out a bit so I put my blindfold back on.

"Don't say anything about this, okay Gabi? Porco?" I tell them two specifically.

"Yes ma'am!" Gabi slightly yells.

"Whatever you say." He sighs.

"Okay good. Now, what were we going to do?"


We came out of the alleyway and went back to the main street. I had never seen anything like it.

The smell of food filled the air, there was music being played by musicians, people talking. It was very crowded. Children were gathered around these tall people who looked very scary - they had red hair and a very pale face. It was almost like they had painted on their face.

I tug Reiner's jacket. "What are those? If I was a child and saw those things, I would run for my life."

He lifts me up from under my arms and starts to walk towards it. "Never heard of clowns? You will probably get along with them."

"Well hello there!" The clown waves at us. "Would your kid like a balloon?" He pulls out a balloon from behind his back.

"In fact, she isn't a kid-" Reiner starts to tell the clown until I cut his sentence short.

"Did you just call me a kid?" I cock an eyebrow. "Do I look like a kid to you?! Because correct me if I'm wrong but I am a young adult! I should look like a young adult!"

"So do you want a balloon?" The guy asks me.

I feel my eye twitch from under my blindfold and a bit of steam started to rise from my head. I was so close to starting a physical fight - maybe a bit too close. But I couldn't hold back.

"Reiner put me down! Let me at him!" I say as I start to try kick the guy off his feet.

"Sorry about this. She can get a bit like this at times." Reiner apologises and starts to walk back to the group.

"No! We don't need to say sorry! Let him apologise!" I yell at Reiner.

As soon as we reunite with the others, he puts me on the ground but he doesn't let go. Everyone looked very confused.

"If I let you go, you will not cause any trouble and you will enjoy this time before you go back." He explains.

"Who said I was going to cause trouble?"

"Considering what just happened, anything can happen with you." Porco jumps in.

"You can't really blame me. The people here are asking for trouble. Anyway, let's just go."

Reiner lets go of me and we all start to stroll down the street. Udo and Zofia were explaining to me that this occasion, since I was becoming queen, was called a 'fair'. So much food was being served to people and the smell of everything was lifted up into the air so everyone could smell it.

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