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The next day, I had to go to training again. I slept most of the night and I stayed outside with Reiner. He didn't seem to have slept but he was wide awake.

"No! Please don't make me go!" I plead to Reiner. "I don't want to go back!"

He held me by one of my legs and dragged me across the dirty ground. "What was our deal? It was that if you behaved today in training, you would get a donut but you won't be able to get that if you don't go." he says.

"Then screw the donut! I want to go back to sleep!" I yell.

"You can't miss today's training. You're doing something important today." Reiner says.

We pass the gate and all the guards there stare at me being dragged down the path. I wondered what we were going to do.

"Watch it! You're going to ruin my uniform!" I warn him but before he could do anything, we had already reached the training grounds. He lets go of me and I land on the sand.

I look over and see that all the candidates are already there standing in-front of Colt and Commander Magath.

"As I was saying, Binsa and Noah handle this situation. The rest of you can watch." Magath says as he then makes his way towards me. He crouches in-front of me as I sit up. "Good morning, (Y/n)."

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"We are going to try something a bit different today but it is going to require a lot of your energy." he explains.

"Sure. Fine. I don't really care." I stand up and look down at him. "You're basically experimenting on me today so I'm already kind of used to it. Considering I went through many of them." I whisper.

Magath stands up and looks me in the eyes. "You're mother will be escorted with us since she will be guiding us through this 'experiment'."

"Whatever. Are we going to go or not?" I ask impatiently. "I would like to get this over with and go."

He sighs. "Okay! Let's go!"

The other candidates run to us and the Warrior Titans were also coming for some reason. Soldiers flooded into the area and we left through the exit at the back of the building.

There was a massive field behind the building and a cool breeze comes to us. There were some familiar people already there - William and Kazue.

"The candidates and titans over there!" Magath points to a nearby hill. "Binsa, Noah and (Y/n) stay here!"

The others separate from us and sit down on the grassy hill. I approach my mother and uncle until I am stood in-front of them.

"Why are you here?" I cross my arms.

"I requested to talk to you and watch you when you use your powers." she says. "William will stay with the other two while me and you go on a walk." she grabs my wrist and we start walking away from William.

I pull my arm away from her and cross my arms again. "Please don't touch me."

"Goodness. Why are your clothes full of dirt?" she tries to wipe it off but I step back from her.

"As I said, please don't touch me. And Reiner dragged me here because we were doing something important today." I sigh.

"They are supposed to be testing out your strength of your ability today." she says as we continue walking.

"Tell me, mother, why was I chosen. I mean if I wasn't like this, I wouldn't have been able to meet such amazing people but if I was normal it would've been an easier life don't you think?" I ask.

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