Memories (pt. 2)

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My body felt warmer than normal. 0I didn't know what was causing it but it wasn't important. Me, Binsa and Noah were still fighting. I only had a couple scratches but nothing major - I was getting tired though and it looked like the others were too.

The sun shone high up in the sky and gave off a lot of heat. I didn't let it get to me and I instead focused on the ongoing fight.

I run towards their Titan and attack it by throwing it off it's feet. It lands on its back and is unresponsive. I walk over to it until I feel a sharp pain go through my chest in both my bodies.

I look behind me to see Binsa standing with a water spear in her hand. It looked like she had thrown one straight through my right rib. The wound didn't last long since we were in broad daylight and I had healed.

"If I was to kill all these people, now should be the best time." I think to myself. "I could gain the elemental Titan. "But now is not the time."

I get out of my Titan form and return to my original body so now I was face-to-face with Binsa and Noah. I could still feel the little pain the spear left in my titan body since I feel whatever my titan feels.

I keep my hands on the ground and the shield stayed around me. "Titan." I say in my head and another 15 meter tall titan formed from the earth. My vision is transferred to the titan and the side of my body is covered with heat but I didn't mind - I just had to crush these two.

I see Binsa run next to Noah and put her hands on the ground. I walk closer and closer to them both as a blue swirl of water surrounds them both. Binsa could use the same shielding ability as I could.

I kneel down in-front of them and reach my hand towards them. Noah raises both his arms and the ground starts to shake beneath me. I am lifted up into the air by a tree and its branches pierced me in many places on my body. I felt my human self cough and spit out blood since it left that metallic taste in my mouth.

"Fireball." I say in my head as I raise my arm. One fireball hovers over my palm and I aim it towards the two and throw it. It heads to them and a large cloud of smoke appears.

I take my hands off the ground and stand up. The shield started to disappear and my titan had started to burn. My wounds had healed and only left bloody marks on my uniform. I wipe the blood from the side of my mouth.

"Have I done it?" I ask myself. "Have I won yet?"

Suddenly, a large spike comes my way - coming straight for my head. I move to the side and dodge it just before it hits me. I realised how close and fast it came to my head. This was a real fight. They wanted me dead and I wanted them dead.

The smoke clears and I see Noah standing in-front of all the dying flames. He had a determined look on his face as Binsa was on the ground and looking more tired than ever.

"If you want to play dangerous, I'll play dangerous!" Noah yells at me.

"Sure. I have no problem." I raise both my arms in the air but something happened that wasn't really meant to happened. A line of fire grows from the ground and make it reaches further in-front of me; towards Noah.

The flames block my sight on the duo and I hear Noah shout. Steam rises from the end on the other end of the line and I put down my arms.

The flames die out and I see Binsa standing in-front of Noah. She was panting, sweating and overall looked awful. She had extinguished my flames in order to save her brother and used all her energy in the process. At least I had worn her out so she couldn't really fight anymore.

She collapses and falls to the ground on her stomach. Noah lifts her up and leaves her to rest by the other candidates at the side of the field. He comes back and stands in the same place he was before.

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