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I look down to realise that we are not on the ground. We are on the branches of large trees in the forest. I look down and see a swarm of titans beneath us. It looks like Eren and Reiner were having a conversation.

Steam starts to rise from my head even though I look calm.

"We are going to get out of here. Don't worry." Eren whispers to me. I nod.

I see Bertholdt on a branch behind Reiner. He looks at me and mouths the words 'I'm sorry.' I blink at him and turn away to look back down at the titans.

"If you are thinking of jumping down, do it. Just know there is no escape even if you try." I look behind me to see Ymir. "We are in deep titan territory at the moment. There is an abnormal down there which won't take its eyes off us. You got another large one watching us from behind a tree but won't come any closer. Then you've these two dirty bastards. The only ones with ODM gear."

"You two could even turn into titans if you wanted." Reiner points at Ymir and Eren. "There would be no point for (Y/n) turning to a titan 'cause she won't be able to go anywhere."

"Hey Reiner. You said you were going to talk to (Y/n) after she woke up." Ymir says.

There is a short silence until Reiner decides to talk again. "We are taking you all to our hometown. You are obviously not going to listen to everything I tell you to do but like Ymir said - the place is swarming with titans so you don't really have a choice. We have to wait for nightfall until we can keep moving. That's when the titans can't move."

I don't say anything back - not like I can anyway. I stare at Reiner straight in the eyes for a moment before looking down again.

"What happened to everyone back at the wall?" I ask myself. "I wonder if they are all okay. They should have a plan by now, but they need to be cautious."

The sun sets slowly behind the horizon and we are all sat down bored. My stomach growls and I look at Reiner.

"Sorry (Y/n). We don't have anything to eat or drink at the moment." Reiner says.

"This situation couldn't get any shittier." Ymir says.

"I think we deserve a break. Me and Bertholdt haven't eaten or slept in two whole days." Reiner says. "Thank you Ymir for saving my ass back there with that cannon." he refers to when we were in the castle. "and if (y/n) and Krista didn't aid me, I would've probably not been here. Honestly I think they both have a thing for me." My eyes widen and I look at him angrily.

Eren stands up and yells, "Just keep talking if you don't mind dying!" he sounded more angry than I felt.

"Wait." Ymir starts off. "This isn't normal. Isn't that right Bertholdt." he sits down holding his knees to his chest. I stare at him confused what was happening. "You know something don't you? So stop with the silence and say it."

"Bertholdt?" Reiner asks.

"Reiner.. You have to remember you are not a soldier. We are both warriors." Bertholdt says.

A flashback crossed my mind.


"Hey! Reiner!" Marco calls. "What are you doing?!"

Reiner and Bertholdt held him still. "Take off his gear, Annie. He overheard us too much." Reiner says.

Annie continues to take off his gear reluctantly.

"Please Annie! We can talk this through! I don't want to die!" he shouts. Annie has tears in her eyes but has no choice.

They leave him on a rooftop to get eaten by a titan. They all watched him die with tears in their eyes. They didn't even try to help him.

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