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"We will announce an evacuation drill so that if it is necessary to evacuate, we can easily move to the inner wall." The Commander says.

"Are you sure of this, Erwin? Are you sure that no one is going to die during this?" A soldier asks.

"Indeed I am." Erwin responds. "The wall-canons may be effective to the Titan but not enough to bring it down. The Scouts will throw everything they have got at it."

The soldiers stood around the room look at me and Eren - they looked like they didn't believe it.

"What?" I ask looking at all of them. "Did I miss something? Is something on my face?" I wipe my mouth with my sleeve sarcastically. "Or is it that you don't have faith in us?" They all stay quiet. "Yeah. That's what I thought." I turn away.

time skip—

The sun had begun to rise and the Titan had still not reached us. It was really close though. I had not fully recovered overnight but I seemed to heal more quickly in the day - well in the light.

Members of the Garrison were firing the wall-canons at the Titan but they were not enough to stop it.

The scouts and I stood by and watched as the Titan continued to get closer.

"Hey Erwin!" We hear a voice say. We look across to see Hange. "I've brought the things you asked for!"

We see nets and barrels full of gunpowder and other explosives. Another barrel is rolled but it's different. Hange said it was like ODM gear. It had triggers on the end that had to be pulled when firing so it could pull itself back.

"By the way, are the canons doing any damage?" Hange asks.

"They are. Just over how much damage a pissing ant could do." Levi answers.

"Levi, Jean, Connie, Sasha. Secure that side of the wall." I hear Erwin command the four.

They all go running off to a certain part of the wall. I look towards the titan.

"Fire!" A voice shouts and then multiple shots are heard from the canons.

The others wrap up the barrels in the net while I just watch from afar.

"Are you not coming to help (y/n)?!" I hear Hange shout.

"Yeah! Come give us a hand!" Armin says after.

I give a sigh and walk to them. I couldn't really refuse them.

I look over at Eren and see that he has a sad look on his face, like he had a flashback or something. I wound up some of the string and net around my arm and tied it over the centre of the barrels.

"What are you doing Eren?!" I hear Armin yell at him. I look over to see Eren punching himself in the face.

Mikasa quickly restrains him. "What's wrong Eren?!"

"Don't mind me. I'm just beating the shit out of a whiny brat." Eren replies. Blood drips from his nose.

I walk over to him and stand in front of him. "Here." I hand him a handkerchief. "I don't really want to be stepping in blood when I'm doing a job. I might get my boots dirty."

Another round of shots from the canons are heard. It must've really gotten close.

A large gust of smoke overtakes the top of the wall due to the change of the wind direction. It was where Levi, Jean, Connie and Sasha were. Did the Titan disappear?

I look closer and see two massive hands rise from the smoke. Rod had made it to the wall. It was much bigger than the Colossal Titan. It looked around 70 meters tall.

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