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I stared down at the ground, rethinking everything that had happened and I could've done to stop it. I didn't say anything to answer Armin's questions since it was to painful to even face them. While I wasn't daydreaming, I listened to the conversation.

"Looks like you've got yourself in a mess." A voice comes from behind me. It was Cozbi.

I didn't respond to him.

"Don't want to talk to me?" He asks. "What a shame. I wanted to talk to you too."

"You knew about this, didn't you?" I ask him quietly.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You knew about Eren's plan since the beginning of all this!" I raised my voice. "Eren can see you and can probably hear you also. That's how you can discuss plans with him and decide how to take me places without me knowing! That is where you go when you disappear out of my sight from time to time!"

I looked up and saw that Armin, Mikasa, Eren and Gabi were all staring at him. Eren looked a bit more angry than usual but that didn't stop me.

I looked back at the ground and continued."It was your plan to keep me distracted while Floch and his friends took me away! That's why you wouldn't let me go back to my body!" I yell. "Isn't that right, Eren..."

My voice trailed off as I looked back up and saw a figure looking down at me. It was Eren. His dull, green eyes looked me straight in the face and he didn't look very pleased.

"You really need to keep your mouth closed and stop accusing me of such things." Eren tells me.

He lifted up his leg and kicked me harshly by the side of my head. I couldn't catch myself so I fell onto my side on the floor. I might have sustained injuries but I couldn't give up.

"Is this your idea of freedom?" I ask quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Forcing others to do what you want? You might think you're free, but what about us?"

He kicked me again but in the stomach now. He winded me to the point where I was gasping for air. Thank goodness it was day and I could heal but I didn't say anything more.

"Keep your hands on the table." Eren slightly yells.

I looked over and saw that Mikasa and Armin were stood up and they looked like they were angry. It almost seemed like they were trying to hold themselves back from fighting.

"Sit. We aren't done." Eren goes back to his seat as the other two also sit down again. "If that was me on the ground, (Y/n) would be as good as dead, wouldn't she Mikasa?"

"What?" Mikasa asks in shock.

"As I was saying, the Ackermann's were designed to protect Eldia's first King." Eren explains. "A while back, you faced a life or death situation and you heard my order to fight. When that happened, your instincts reacted and awoke within you. Unintentionally, you ended up thinking I was the one you had to protect from then on."

"No. You're wrong..." Mikasa says.

"I'm wrong?"

"It wasn't unintentional." She paused for a moment. "I became stronger because of you, Eren!"

"Normally, Ackermann's would get sudden headaches when their power has been awakened. That's because their old self is trying to resist against the urge of being forced to protect their host. Sound recognisable?" Eren asks.

"No. It doesn't." She replies.

"Your family was made to protect and forget who they are. Also known as slaves."

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