Where it all began

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We rode our horses until nightfall. It was very dark and we only had lanterns to light up the path. We came across a forest and decided to go through it as a shortcut and we walked alongside our horses for this part of the journey.

"Are we almost there yet?" I ask impatiently.

"Not yet for the 12th time. Be patient." Levi tells me.

"How much further?! My feet are sore." I say.

"I thought you were supposed to be in the top three soldiers." Levi says.

"Once we cross over this mountain, we should arrive in Shiganshina." a soldier with a map says.

"Titan spotted on the left!" a voice shouts from behind.

We all shine our lights to the left and a titan is shown. It was resting up against a rock - motionless.

"That's probably a 'moonlight titan'." Hange says. "It's a titan that can't move during the night without the moon shining on it."

"So you're telling me that those titans that attacked us at the castle are 'moonlight titans'?" I ask.

"Precisely." Hange tilts her head down. "I hope we can capture one soon!"

I slightly furrow my eyebrows. "She crazy." I whisper to Levi. "You hear me?! Crazy!"

"I thought you would've figured that out months ago." he replies. "Let's go. Don't disturb it."

We all continue walking a bit further through the tall grass. I didn't like this feeling I was getting. I felt like something was... off. Like something bad is going to happen. This made my hands and head steam up.

"I'll make sure nothing bad happens okay?" I turn to see Levi next to me. "Even if something bad happens, I will always find you."

This made me calm down a bit. I don't say anything back but I rest my head on his shoulder to say thank you.

"You're welcome." he says.


The sun had risen and we had found our way out of the forest. I recognised this place. It looked like that one place in one of my dreams - where that old lady had helped me with treating my leg.

"There it is." Armin says from behind me.

"Shiganshina." Eren says after.

"So this is the place it all started?" I ask rhetorically.

"Advance! Be on the look out for any titans hiding!" we hear the Commander shout.

We all ride as fast as we can towards the gate leading in to Shiganshina.

"All soldiers switch to ODM gear! Our mission begins now!" Erwin shouts.

I stand up on my horse and use my gear to fly over the wall like everyone else did. The inner and outer gate were still smashed just like five years ago. I pulled the hood, on my cape, over my head. I land on top of the wall and look down over the isolated city.

It looked completely destroyed. Houses were knocked into each other and smashed, there was dry blood smeared on the ground and walls, there were dolls and kids' toys laying on the ground. It broke my heart to know that people went through this horror.

"Come on! Get to the outer gate!" Levi tells me, Eren, Mikasa and Armin.

"Yes sir!" we say.

"Hey Armin." I stop him. "Aren't those ashes and the remains of a fire?" I ask.

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