Night Train

627 19 1

Just as I start to rest my eyes, I hear the door creak open. I didn't bother opening my eyes to see who it was - I just needed to hear their voice.

"Hey guys." A soft voice greets us. It was obviously Pieck. "Hey Pock."

"Stop calling me all these weird names." Porco slightly yells.

"How are you, Pieck? It's been ages since I last saw you." Reiner says.

"A whole two months since I've been human and I'm doing pretty well." She answers. "I need to be careful though. I've not walked on my own two legs for a while." I feel the bed I was on slope down a little bit. Someone was sat on it and their hand went up against my cheek.

"Nice to see you too Pieck." I move my face away from her hand and I open my eyes.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm fine." I start to sit up and uncover the blankets off me. "I'm fine enough that I could leave."

"Wait. You need to rest." Reiner tries to stop me.

"I'm not going to be in here all my life." I slowly start stand up and I start to wobble from side to side. Thankfully, Pieck was just next to me and she helped me regain my balance.

"You need to pay attention to the injuries you took on." Reiner explains. "You might have healed but the impact hasn't so be really careful."

"I'll be fine. Watch me." I reply as I walk forward towards the door at the front of the room.

"(Y/n)..." I hear Porco sigh. "So reckless she can't even look after herself."

I don't react to what he said but I instead ignored him. I couldn't be bothered with all his bullshit or what I would cause if I did react.

I walk down a short hallway that was outside the door and there was only one more door there. I decide to open it and a beaming light enters my eyes. I could hear people talking and laughing; and just after a war?

My eyes get used to the light and I get a proper look around. The civilians that used to live here had come back to their rightful homes and normal soldiers, even Eldian Soldiers, were all sat or stood around waiting for the next orders that we can go home. At least something good came out of that war.

I look over and see the sea stretching out along the horizon. The water shimmered and glistened with every ray of light that touched it. The sun was just setting behind the ocean and it left an orange trail behind it.

"Soon enough, I'll be Queen and I'll be able to do anything I want." I say to myself.

"Don't think I would just let you forget about me." A voice says in my head which makes me jump a bit.

"I though that was just a dream I had. Goodness knows how long ago I actually had a dream." I say.

I start to get dizzy and I felt nauseous. I put my arm over my stomach and take a step back to regain my balance. I close my eyes and try to keep myself from being sick. I felt like I was... being pulled away from my body?

After those feeling had worn off, I slowly open my eyes again and see that I was standing in the same place. I look up and see someone stood next to me - it was me.

The hairstyle, the skin tone, the height. It was me. I lift my arm in-front of my face and see that I was see-through. I could still see my clothes and colour but I could still see through me.

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