The Blood on my Hands

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"Are all mindless titans made like this?" I ask quietly to Levi.

"Made like what?" He asks back while looking over at me.

"Are... Are they humans that got injected with that liquid?"

He looks away and doesn't say anything. I am not surprised with his answer and I am not expecting much more. It was obvious at this point that we, the Scouts, have been killing our own kind. Killing other humans. Killing families.

I watch as Floch helps Eren off one of the roofs and onto another. Eren was crying. He probably didn't know who Levi chose either.


The blonde Titan fell face-first into the ground. Steam started to rise from the Titan body and the others go see who it was apart from me, Hange and Levi. We stayed on the roof and watched from afar.

"Who did you pick, Levi?" I ask. He looks back so I turn back to see what he is looking at. My eyes widened.

I see the Commander laying on the other side of the roof. That only left one answer left. That titan was Armin.

"Levi..." I say quietly. He looks over at me and I tackle-hug him. "Thank you!" We both fall on top of each other and I don't let go of him.

"I thought it would be better if he rested like you said." He replies.

"I think now would be a good time to get everyone to the top of the walls, don't you think?" I hear Hange say from behind me.

I quickly get off of Levi and sit up. "Yeah. Let's do that." I say.

"I will go and round them up." Levi says as he swings down towards the others.

Hange looks at me and stares. "You really like him don't you?" she asks.

I feel my temperature go up and my cheeks go red. "No! No! It's nothing like that I swear!" I cover up my face with my hands.

"Oh I think it is exactly like that." She says as she flies to Floch and Eren. The three then fly to the top of the wall.

Levi had already talked to the remaining soldiers and they started to make their way up the wall too. Connie carried unconscious Sasha on his back and Levi picked up Armin from the Titan.

I stand up and walk to Erwin's lifeless body. I stare down at him and give one last salute. I don't say anything and I just walk away from him.

"Advance to the fullest of your life." Those words circled around my head over and over again. It was quite comforting knowing that Erwin was signalling he was with me.

I walk to the other side of the roof and pause.

"What part of Bertholdt did Armin have to eat to live?" I ask myself. "What part did Armin have to eat to inherit the Colossal?"

I wipe the blood from my cheek onto my finger. I hold it in-front my face and I stare at it.

"What will happen if I..." I bring my finger closer to my opening mouth.

"Don't think about it." A voice stops me. I look next to me and see Levi. "We don't know what is contained in that blood."

"You're right - like always." I agree with him.

"Come on. Let's go." He flies again once more.

"I'll be right behind you!" I tell him. He nods back and I wipe the blood off my finger. I take a few steps backwards before running towards the ledge of the roof.

I jump off and catch myself with my ODM gear. I make my way to the wall and get higher and higher.

"Almost there... Almost there..." I tell myself. I fly up faster and faster until I hear strange noises coming from my gear. I ran out of gas. I was so close but yet so far.

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