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I leap onto a rooftop that is higher than the rest. This looked like a perfect spot to watch the stars in peace.

I start to take off my gear and place it nearby. I lay down on the roof and look up at the sky. It was dark but was covered with millions of tiny dots. Everywhere you looked, there would be a shining star in your vision.

They all shimmered around the moon which took my attention. It was very large and I could see every detail on it.

"Levi, Isabel and Farlan would love this sight..." I whisper. "If only we were all here once more."

I raise my hand and reach out for the sky. The wind blew against my skin. It wasn't cold or warm. It was just a breeze.

I have never felt calm like this before. Everything was quiet which was even better. I lower my arm and rest it on my stomach. This reminded me of the first time I saw the stars with my friends before we were separated that day.

Zipping noises are heard coming my way from behind.

"(Y/n)!" I hear a voice. I let off a little sigh.

"We were looking for you everywhere!"

I get up and see Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean and Sasha. "What?" I ask.

"Glad to see you're okay!" Sasha says, running next to me.

"What made you think I wouldn't be okay? I thought I told you I was going to be out here." I say.

"Well, the Commander wanted to see you about something and he sent soldiers to get you, but you had already left so they are looking for you." Armin explains.

"And? They can come look for me. I don't give a damn." I say while laying back down to continue my star-gazing.

"You are not allowed to be out here, remember? You could be put in the cellar again until you can be trusted not to leave." Eren says.

"As I said. I don't really give a damn."

"We are going back." Mikasa grabs my arm but I fling it away.

"I'm not going anywhere. I don't need to go anywhere." I say with steam rising from my head.

"You will get scolded by the captain!" Jean slightly yells.

"No I won't and I know that." I say.

"How can you be so certain?" Armin asks.

"I know him more than any of you lot." I admit.

"What do you mean by that?" Mikasa asks.

I sigh realising I have to, more or less, tell them my whole life. "In the shortest way possible, I have technically spent my whole life with the Captain. I only made it first in training because I have been training for years with him - and yes I am slightly older than you." I say.

"Are you the sergeant that went 'missing' years ago?" Armin shivers.

"There are rumours about me?" I ask.

"You've never heard about that story?" Sasha asks.

"Of course I haven't. Levi is the one who sent me here because 'my capabilities aren't up to standards anymore'." I mock Levi.

"But you are way more skilled than all of us. Why would he want to send you here?" Jean asks.

"Where me and Levi come from, we trained with stole ODM gear and we wanted to be the best we could be, so we set very high standards." I explain.

"There is also another rumour that he had two other very close friends apart from the sergeant - but they both died during their first expedition." Armin says.

Flashback hit my memory. I remember when I first saw the remains of their lifeless bodies. The sight of seeing your best friends - both dead - was unforgettable.

"Isabel... Farlan..." I whisper.

"So those rumours are true. I'm guessing they were your best friends too." Mikasa says.

"Okay enough with the questions. She's working herself up." Jean takes off his gear and lays next to me. "Steam is still rising from your head you know. You should relax."

I look back up to the sky to try calm myself back down. I hear another set of gear being taken off.

"The stars are really pretty, aren't they?" Sasha sits next to me.

"Don't we need to head back? We will get in trouble!" Armin says.

"Then let us get in trouble together." Eren says while also sitting down and looking at the sky.

"You do know you guys can get suspended, right." I tell them.

"We know but we won't leave you here alone." Jean says.

I hear someone sit down behind me. I turn around to see Mikasa kneeling down and looking up. I look back forward and lay my head on her lap. She seemed to jump a bit but she eventually got used to it.

"I hope you don't mind." I tell her.

"I don't mind at all." She answers. She gently runs her fingers through my hair and we watch the sky for a bit. Armin also sits next to Mikasa - he didn't really have a choice anyway. I sense everyone's eyes fall on me and Mikasa. I look over to see them all looking sad and jealous.

"Don't be jealous. You will get a turn soon." I tell them. They all shoot their heads up and chuckle awkwardly while rubbing the back of their heads.


We watch the stars a little longer in silence before we all agree to go back to HQ. We put our gear back on and prepare to leave.

"You guys go. I'll be right behind you." I tell them.

"We expect you to be." Mikasa says.

They all set off on their ODM gear and I stay behind for a bit. "You could've joined us instead of watch us you know, Levi."

A figure came out of the shadows and revealed itself in the light - it was Levi of course. He walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. "What are you doing here?" he asks.

"I wanted some time to myself until they came after me. It was still comforting though so I didn't really mind." I say.

"You're not allowed to be out here without consent or at this time." he scolds me. "You never what or who lurks around here."

"I just wanted to see the stars. Besides, the weather was good." I say.

"Now you have soldiers looking for you everywhere. You could be executed." he tells me.

"I don't see a need for them to do that." I look away.

"They will do it if they don't trust you. I don't want to lose you too. Didn't you promise you were going to stay alive and make it to the end?" he asks. I look down and stay quiet for a moment. "Are you going to break that promise too? Like the others did?"

"No. I'm going to keep that promise and always be by your side." I say.

He pulls me in for a hug and puts my head against his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. It was very strong and powerful. "That's what I like to hear (Y/n)." he says. I wrap my arms around him and return the hug.

"Will you also keep that promise?" I ask him quietly.

He hugs me tighter. "Of course I will. I will always be there to save you when you are in danger - just call my name and I'll be there." he says.

I let go of him. "We better get going before the others get suspicious about our whereabouts." I say.

"Yes you're right. We better head back." he agrees.

We set off with our ODM gear and soar through the skies. It was fun and it felt like those times that me, Levi, Isabel and Farlan would go out from time to time with our stolen gear. I wish we could go back to those days, but I needed to fulfil the task that Isabel and Farlan gave me.

'Look after Levi for us'.

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