An Unexpected arrival

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We were transported to the south of Wall Sina around 12 hours later. There was an abandoned small castle nearby that we used to shelter for a while. It was unbelievably boring. I was sent there for the time being while the Commander sort out some business with Eren, Levi and the others.

I sit on a table with Connie, Sasha, Reiner and Bertholdt. Connie and Sasha stare out of the window talking about how their villiages were not too far. I watch Reiner and Bertholdt play chess, which I did not know how to play, and take notes as they try and explain to me how to play.

I sat next to Bertholdt, "What happens if you move here?"

"Then Reiner can kill me with that." he explains.

"So why don't you just move that?" I point at specific piece. Bertholdt stays quiet for a moment and decides to move it.

"Check mate." Bertholdt finally says while putting an arm around my shoulder.

"You've really studied all the moves haven't you, (Y/n)?" Reiner smirks.

Sasha slams her head against the table out of boredom and then sits right back up again while gasping, "I hear footsteps!" she says. Everyone turns their heads towards her.

"No titans come this far through the walls...unless.." I look down. "unless you think Wall Rose has been breached." I say.

"Guys! I'm being serious!" Sasha stands up and shouts.

A soldier flew up to the window and kicked it open. "Is everyone here? Multiple titans have been spotted coming from the south. They are headed straight this way and there is no time for you to gear up."

"Nanaba?" Historia stands up and looks towards her.

"Take the horses and evacuate nearby villages and homes. Understand?" She ask.

"Did you say... they are coming from the south?" Connie asks looking worried.

"Has the wall been breached?" Reiner asks looking traumatised.

We all rush to our horses and mount them and head out in a big group away from the titan swarm.

"When the titans reach the wood, we will split into four separate teams and scatter in different directions!" Miche explains. "Anyone familiar with this area or near here?!"

"My town is near here! Connie should too!" Sasha says. Connie stays quiet.

"Are you alright Connie?!" I ride next to him.

"My village is in the south." He says quietly. "And that's where the titans are coming from, right?"

"After we evacuate the villages, I will come with you to your village." I say with a determined look in my eyes. "Is that allowed, Sir?" I look at Section Commander Miche.

"All right." He agrees. "Connie. You will lead the southern team."

"Connie, (y/n). I'll come with you." We look at Reiner.

"The south will no doubt be swarming with titans." Connie says.

"And? You think we are going to die?" I ask him with an eyebrow raised.

"Are you joining us Bertholdt?" Reiner looks at him.

"You know me. I'll tag along." He says.

"The titans have reached the woods!" A voice call from behind us.

"Separate into your squads!" Miche says.

We ride as fast as we can and look at the titans. There were 9 in total by the looks of it. They stood still for a moment before they started to run at full speed towards one of the other groups. That's when I see Section Commander Miche run towards them to try kill them all.

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