Up for Grabs

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I get up and walk to the front of the carriage . "What's going on?" I ask the man who is riding us around.

"Get back in! They will see you!" he tells me.

"Who will?" Eren asks. One moment later, the hood of the carriage rips open so we are exposed. Eren reaches for the gun to shoot the woman who exposed us. They were all surrounding us. Were they MP's?

There were at least six of them and they all wore a special uniform I have never seen before. They had small guns which also included ODM gear. They shot wires upwards into walls or ceilings and swing up like a monkey.

We hear a quiet shot of one of the guns and Historia falls over. I run over to her. "Hey are you awake?!" I turn her over to see a small valve sticking out of her neck. "Get down! They want to tranquilize us!" I say right before Eren falls over too. "Good grief. I haven't had peace and quiet since I joined the cadets. It's still not happening!" I shout while I grab the gun and aim at one of them. I shoot but I miss.

"They are moving around too much. Their gear let's them move swiftly." I think to myself. I hear another quiet shot coming from my right. I move backwards as another valve flies past my face.

"Shoot her! She is our main priority!" I hear a woman shout. I look across and see her gun pointed straight at me. She pulls the trigger and I don't have enough time to react. The little valve's needle goes into my neck and makes me flinch a bit.

"Stay awake. Stay awake. Stay awake." I whisper to myself while pulling it out. I take a look at it and it had a blue substance in it. I throw it awake and look back up to see them all surrounding me with their guns pointed at me. "Shit."

They all shoot at me and they all hit my neck. I let out a little squirm.

"If she doesn't pass out after this, shoot her again!" A woman shouts. I start to feel dizzy and my vision starts to get distorted. I hear one more shot but it wasn't aimed at me. It was aimed at the man steering the carriage. He fell off and I presume he died.

I look over to see one of the people take over the steering and guide us somewhere else. I fall onto my hands and refuse to close my eyes. I hear the sound of ODM gear from above us. I look up to see Levi following us.

"I am so tired." I mumble.

"Don't you dare close your eyes (Y/n)!" I hear Levi shout from a distance. "That is an order!"

"Watch out!" I warn Levi about the MP's who surrounded him. I see him fly a different direction while being chased.

"Take her out!" I hear another voice from behind me. She points her gun towards me and fires.

"Protect me." I say before the valve is sent flying. It ricochets in another direction. I felt weak. I was weak. The shield starts to dissolve and the woman fires her gun again. It hit me in the neck and I fall asleep.

--time skip--

I open my eyes and see that I'm in a room. There was one window and moonlight shining out of it. I look across the room to see Eren. He was tied up and laying on the floor. He looked like he had given up on life.

There were men in black robes that surrounded me and Eren. In the centre of the room, was Historia and another man. He was hugging Historia saying how sorry he was. Who was he and where are we?

I try to move but realise I'm tied up also. I was still so tired and stay still. Historia probably knew this man because she wasn't fighting back with him.

I close my eyes. "They will come and find us." I say to myself before drifting back to sleep.


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