Plans for the Future

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"Finally." I sigh as I jump off my horse and start to walk up the stairs into the building. I had found the building I had first met all the shifters. The moon was starting to rise and the stars popped up one after the other.

I had to find my way through the building, that was near the training grounds, and find that little room Magath had first used the little sound box. It couldn't be that hard, and it wasn't. I had found that little room fairly quick.

The door was open and there was one man sat in there with something on his ears. It was black and had a stick leading to just by his mouth along with many lights and buttons in-front of him on tables. I needed to get rid of him.

I quietly move away from the doorway and I walk down the corridor. "I can't use my ability. I could potentially destroy everything in here." I think to myself.

I go to the nearest door which was across the hallway and I open the door. It looked like a supply room. This faintly reminded me of how our supply room back on Paradis looked like -but yet again I couldn't remember everything about it. I enter it and see boxes, on dusty shelves, that are filled to the top. I run my finger across one of the shelves and it makes my finger dirty.

"This is the first and last time I actually want to clean this place up. Levi would've killed someone if he saw this." I say to myself.

I walk all the way to the back of the room and find a few, plastic boxes stacked on top of each other. I decided to open them since they were different from the other ones.

"Oh my walls. What a coincidence." I say to myself as I reveal what was in the box. In the boxes were stacks full of guns and ammunition. I knew what I had to do.



The man dropped stone-cold dead on the floor. A wound was left in the side of his head and a pool of blood was starting to form around the man. I enter the room and slowly close the door behind me.

"I don't remember passing anyone in here. No one should've heard that bang hopefully." I say to myself.

I take off the thing from his ears and I drag him by his arm and put him under a table so he was pretty much hidden. I sit on the chair he was in and make myself comfortable. I look at the earpiece and stare at it. I had never seen anything like this before.

I place it over my ears just like how the man wore it and I adjust the stick-thing to go near my mouth. I wait for a minute but nothing happens. Not a single sound or anything. I look around on the buttons and lights to see if there was anything I needed to press but there were only lines and dots on them.

".—— .- .-. .-. .. ——— .-. / ..- -. .. -" one of the buttons had. I look further along and see another one had, "—— .- .-. .. -. . / -.-. .-. . .——" Me being me, I press the second one. I look around and see nothing has changed.

"Is it broken?" I ask myself. "No. I am probably doing this all wrong."

"Mayday. Mayday. Can you hear me?" I hear a voice come from the thing over my ears. It sounded familiar like someone I have heard before.

I look around and see something in-front of me. It was also black and had something sticking towards me. It had a round end with holes in it. It was resting on a black slab underneath it.

"If you can hear me, hold the button and answer. It's an emergency." The person says again.

I look on the slab, that is holding up the stick. There was a little green button on the side of it. I hold it down as they say and talk into the top.

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