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"There she is!" A voice from the distance shouts.

Numerous footsteps are heard coming towards the training grounds. I turn around and see soldiers running towards us. They all had guns and helmets on their heads.

"Why are they running towards us?" Zofia looks at me.

"I'm used to this type of stuff. Just stay out of the way." I tell them as I step forward.

I kneel down on the ground and place my hands in the sand. "Protect me." I say internally as a large, transparent dome surrounds me along with a ring of fire. I look up and see the soldiers all staring at me while aiming their guns at me. Magath was in the centre with his hands behind his back.

"Come out of there, (Y/n). Let's talk about this." He tries to make a conversation with me.

I was so tempted to destroy this place but what would I do after?

"Why do you want to talk? Shoot me. Shoot me right now. I dare you." I order.

"I would order my soldiers to do that but we need you here in Marley." Magath replies.

"Then tell your soldiers to stand down if they aren't going to shoot."

He stays silent for a moment before signalling the soldiers to stand down. "Will you come out now? Actually, that's an order."

I lift my hands off the ground and stand up straight. I wipe the sand off of my hands and knees and look up to Magath.

"Next time you order me again, I'll spin your jaw." I threaten. "Now what did you want to speak about?"

"Sir? What is going on?!" Falco asks the Commander.

"(Y/n). Pieck. You are going to have to miss out training today - you are needed so you will have to come with us." Magath tells us.

Pieck walks up behind me and puts her hand onto my shoulder. "Come on. Let's go."

She walks in-front of me while I follow behind. We are lead into a black carriage, outside of the building, and Pieck is sat opposite me while Magath is sat next to me. I stare outside the window and watch as we pass people and buildings.

"I could make a run for it. But that person said to wait a few years first... Why am I always in these types of situations?" I say in my head. "I guess I could stay here until the others come and get me back."

I sit up straight and twiddle with my thumbs.

"Here. Put these on." I hear Magath tell me. He hands me a pair of gloves. "They were made especially for you."

They were a light blue colour with golden patterns on it. I push them away. "No thank you. I don't want them."

He places them in my hand. "You don't really have a choice unless you want to burn everything you touch."

I snatch them away form him and put them on reluctantly. "You happy now?"

He doesn't answer and looks away from me. My hands fit perfectly in the gloves and they were so soft. It was honestly scary how they knew how big my hands were but I didn't bother asking.

"Stop. Here will do." Magath tells the coachman at the front. We exit the carriage and wait for the Commander's orders.

"Do you know what is happening?" I ask Pieck. "And how they knew my hand size?"

"We are probably here for a meeting - the Commander probably wants you to meet the rest of the Warrior Unit. The rest of the shifters that is." she replies. "And for your second question, I organized your uniform and while I was there I checked your hand while I was there."

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