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I had watched the man burn to death until the flame went out. Porco had already gone to the enemies trench to kill the rest of them along with Pieck - the Cart Titan. She had armour on her back and head along with a machine gun that the Panzer Unit used. The Panzer Unit was always with Pieck in these situations.

By the looks of it, we were winning. The next part was to invade and destroy their HQ to finish this war. We already had a plan to obliviate this place but we needed to buy time for the blimp to come by.

I pick both Falco and Gabi up from the ground and sprint back to the trenches where I meet everyone else.

"Are you guys okay?!" Zofia asks.

"You guys were pretty reckless out there." Udo adds.

"We managed to save 800 soldiers though!" Gabi celebrates as she starts to put her clothes back on. Then I remember I left mine above the trench.

"Ugh. I really cannot be bothered." I sigh.

"I'll go get your clothes." Udo offers.

"No. I'll get new ones when the time comes." I pat the top of his head. I look up to the sky and see a bright flare up go up into the sky. "And now is that time." I climb over the side of the trench and walk forward a bit. "I'll catch you all later if I come back alive."

I had been practising a new technique I had read about in a book. I could go into titan form like Eren. I could actually be inside the Titan while controlling it. All I had to do was to clap three times and place my hands on the ground which was exactly what I did.

"Titan." A flash of lightning hits the ground and I feel myself being lifted off the ground. I see muscles starting to form around me until my vision is transferred to the Titan. I was once again a 15 meter titan. I was a bit different from last time though.

I had purple muscles and skin covering some of my body. My eyes were orange and yellow with a white pupil and I had flames reaching away from the upper part of my arms.

I take a step back and turn around to the other candidates. I nod at them and start to sprint towards the enemy trenches.

The flare was to signal for any remaining soldiers on the battlefield to retreat. I reach Porco and Pieck and signal that the real mission had started. I keep running forward until I see the walls that protected the Mid-East Alliance HQ.

"So it's finally begun then."


I made it to the fortress of the enemy and I stood outside the walls that surrounded it; Fort Slava. They reminded me of the walls back in Paradis.

I slap myself. "Don't get distracted, (Y/n). Let's just finish this."

"Sure right let's finish this." I hear a faint voice say. I turn around and see no one there.

"Who just said that? It's probably my head." I convince myself before I peek my head over the wall. There was a canon right in-front of my eye and there were people stood along the top of the wall too. They all stared at me and it seemed that all conflict had stopped for a few seconds. I move closer to the canon, knowing they weren't going to do anything since they were scared.

I look up and the scared soldiers do the same. There were multiple white parachute coming from high in the sky - they were the people who were going to be turned into pure titans. There was a blimp flying slowly away and Vice Chief Reiner and War Chief Zeke were in there. I hear a loud shout, not from around me but from above me. I cover my ears so the sound doesn't entirely reach me. It was Zeke's yell which meant it was time for the pure titans to arrive.

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