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"Reserve your energy. You will need to use it later." Cozbi tells me.

Gunshots could be heard in the distance. No titans were active at the moment so I was safe where I was.

"That's what I'm doing. Look around and tell me if anything looks suspicious." I tell him.

"Whatever." He disappears and then the world seemed to go quiet.

I heard movement, not a lot but something was moving. I look around until I see the War Hammer was still alive and moving.

That was impossible. Mikasa had blown away its nape and I had practically burnt it to death. There was no way it could've lived through that.

The Titan held its head up as it was about to fall off by about a flap of skin. It sticks out its hand and a crossbow appeared in its hand. It aimed and shot it towards Eren and Mikasa.

The two had managed to get away quickly and move to a safer place.

I watched as they flew away and the second I look back and the crossbow was aimed straight at me. The Titan fired it and I swiftly put my hands on the ground. "Protect me."

The shield had managed to form around me before the arrow could fully get to me.

"So you want to play like that, then? Bring it on. Titan." My vision is once again transferred to my Titan and I make my way to the plaza.

There was already a person flying around the titan and trying to get it distracted. It was Mikasa. Eren was probably planning something.

I decided to take over and keep approaching the War Hammer. It had a long sword in its hand and it was swinging it around trying to get Mikasa.

She let off another few thunder spears on the Titan's legs and eye and then she landed on my shoulder. I signal for her to back up but she didn't.

"Where are you?" She asks as she looks around. I don't answer and I turn away. "Don't be like that now. Just tell me."

I turn my head towards where my human body was and she leapt off my shoulder to go there.

"It's been a long time (Y/n). You look... alright." She tells me.

"So you got new gear?" I ask.

"You'll get to know it soon."

As I was about to kneel down and put my hands on the ground in Titan form, a never ending waterfall of water fell upon my head. I quickly moved out of the way so I didn't drown. I knew exactly who caused that - Binsa. I now had to deal with 3 titans.

"Sorry Mikasa, but you will have to deal with the War Hammer." I tell her.

"Sure thing. Just be safe." She flies away and makes her way to my position.

I look across to where I left Noah's and Binsa's titans but they didn't move. They were controlling their powers from the roof they were on. They didn't have anything protecting them whereas they were the ones protecting their family behind them.

Kazue was behind them and holding the children close to her. I knew she knew that this was the end.

I look over at Eren and he nodded at me like he knew what I was going to do. I nodded back anyway and continued with the plan I had my my head.

I made my way to the building they were on, dodging any obstacles they put in my way. It was safe to say that I had made it without being hurt or touched.

"If one body holds the fire, water and earth it will create air and that person will be the elemental Titan." She tells me. "Why do you ask?"

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