Hard Truth

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A small titan appeared from within the strike of lightening. It had long dark hair and two white glowing eyes. It's teeth were pointed and tearing the napes of titans. We fought alongside each other and made a good team. I felt to be enjoying myself, weirdly.

I smile in my human body which also causes my titan to smile. I control my titan to put its hands on the ground and a massive wall of fire rises from the ground. This took a lot of energy from me but it was worth it.

I see Ymir getting grabbed by titans and holding on for dear life. I decide to go help her and kill some of the titans there. The tower was slowly crumbling and tipping over. I need to kill a few more to make sure the coast is clear so we can go.

I see Krista standing on the ledge of the tower and shouting at us. "If you guys are going to fight, take down the tower! Let it fall!"

I look towards her very confused. "You heard me (Y/n)! Take down the tower! Use the bricks to your advantage!" she shouts again. So I follow her orders.

"Didn't I already say I don't like being ordered around?!" I say from my original body still kneeling down. "You're lucky I've not left you behind."

Me and Ymir start to take bricks from the tower and throw them at the other titans that surrounded us. The tower starts to fall forward.

"(Y/n)! You've done enough! Come back so we can get out or you will fall with the tower!" I hear Bertholdt say to me.

I soon enough decide that I have done enough damage and manage to return back to my original body. I fall onto my hands and breathe heavily.

"We need to go." Bertholdt says while picking up my weak body.

We walk to the others who are near the ledge. The castle slowly falls forward and Ymir's titan appears in-front of us.

"If you want to live.. grab on." her titan says. We all grab on to different parts of her hair and Bertholdt helps me to hold on.

The titan jumps onto the side of the castle that is furthest away from the ground and the n jumps to a safer place before the castle fully falls over. We all get thrown off the titan. We were all okay and sit up.

Krista comes towards my way. "You have some weird red marks on your face (Y/n)." she follows them with her finger, from my forehead to my eyes and to my mouth.

"They must be the marks that show up after you turn into a titan." I say. Where did they come from though? I wasn't connected to anything..

Titans slowly rise from underneath all the rubble and head towards our way.

"Hey! Ugly face!" Connie shouts at Ymir. "Finish up the job!"

"I'll help too." I say.

"You've already done enough for today (Y/n). Give yourself a break." Reiner tells me.

"I don't just leave something I started for other to do." I look and him then close my eyes. "Titan." my titan reappears along with a flash of lightening.

I help Ymir fight the titans off until it's safe to go. I look at my human body to see the same ring of fire that surrounded me before, but the force field was no-where to be seen.

Titans rise gradually and one of them grab Ymir's head and smashes it on rubble that the castle left. I run to her location and try keep the titans off, but there were too many. They came one by one and bit parts of my body which I felt on my human body.

They all go and pile on top of Ymir and I couldn't help..

I see Krista attempt to run towards the titan. She was going to die! I try to get to her as a titan appears from behind a rock and goes towards her. I then hear a zipping noise going past me and the titans nape is sliced off.

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