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It had been around a few days since I have seen anyone properly. Lara would occasionally come in my room to check on me but I refused any help from her. There was one day when a soldier, that had a red blazer, black pants and a gun, came into my room to escort me to a meeting. I got him to take off my chains but I ended up never going to that meeting - goodness knows what that meeting was for anyway.

I stayed in my room ever since that time when I last saw the others. I didn't go to training with the other candidates or let anyone visit me. Lara came to my room every night and morning to give me food but I went onto my balcony and threw it over the railing. Mainly meat was given to me, and maybe a cake for dessert, but I didn't care what it was so I just got rid of it.

I would sometimes sneak out at night and go onto the rooftops to watch the starry night skies when there were no clouds in the way. It would often remind me of that time when I ran away with my ODM gear in Trost - just before Rod Reiss managed to get to the wall.

Today was the day when the first round of soldiers were going back to Paradis to try and retrieve the Founding Titan. I had to get dressed and go with my 'family' to watch the boat leave. It was quite useless since we were just watching a boat set sail, but it was something to do so I agreed to go.

I uncover myself from under the covers of my bed and a bright light from my window is revealed.

"Damn it. That lady really needs to stop doing that." I refer to Lara coming into my room every morning and opening my curtains.

I get up from my bed and stretch my arms out along with a yawn. I rub my eyes and make my way to my wardrobe. I open the door and I reach for my uniform before I hear a few knocks at my door.

"(Y/n). I have got your clothes that your mother requested you should wear." I hear Lara's voice come from the other side of my door.

I walk to the door and open it. As I suspected, Lara was stood there with a pile of clothes in her arms. I reach my hands out to grab the clothes and I head back in my room without uttering a word.

I close the door and lay the clothes on my bed. There was a black dress with a white high-collar attached to the top of it. There were also long white socks and  black shoes.

"Sheesh. I'm going to look like I'm going to a funeral." I sigh. "At least it's something."

I adjust my gloves over my hands so I don't burn anything and I start to take off my white gown and start to put the dress on. It had long sleeves that tightly covered my arms and the dress flowed at the bottom; just by my knees. I put my socks on and they met my dress above my knees. They had little bows near the top of them and they were very soft. I place my shoes on my feet and they fit like a glove.

I get my blue and red armband and place it on my left upper-arm. I redo my hair and put it in a simple ponytail before I head out.

There were soldiers lined up on either side of the corridor and they all wore the same uniform - red blazers and black pants. They all had guns which were probably loaded with those FRTA bullets.

"Good morning, ma'am!" They all shout at once.

"Don't call me that. Call me (Y/n) if you can." I tell them.

"Yes, ma'am!" They all yell again.

"What did I just say? Never mind." I turn to one of the soldiers. "Tell me if someone wants to give me a message when I come back."

"Will do!" He replies.

"Thanks. Bye now." I wave at them as I walk down the corridor and enter the room where my 'family' is most of the time.

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