Safe and Sound

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I wake up to the sound of loud thuds. I open my eyes to see Bertholdt holding me. The muzzle had been put back in my mouth and something was resting on my forehead.

"You're safe (Y/n). Just stay calm and let us take you with us." Bertholdt tries to 'reassure' me. I let my head fall backwards to see we were riding on Reiner's titan - the armoured titan. He was running away from something. I look behind Reiner and see another titan latching on his back.

It Ymir's titan. She pulled something out of her mouth - rather it was someone. A blonde girl was shown with saliva from the titan all over her. It was Krista, or should I say Historia. She was held in the titan's hand while Ymir rises from the nape of it.

She coughs and gasps for as, "I'm sorry Historia for eating you like that." Ymir apologises.

"Ymir.. What is all this?" Historia asks. "We all came to save you, Eren and (Y/n)!" Does that mean the others came too?

I look down to see a group of scouts chasing us. I see Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie and Mr. Hannes. I make eye contact with Armin and try gesture to help me.

"I am with Reiner and Bertholdt now and I want you to come." Ymir continues to say. I see Historia looking at me and I look at her with a 'dead look'.

"You're making no sense Ymir!" she turns back.

"We have no future within the walls! If we go with them, we can be free!" Ymir says.

"Are Reiner and Bertholdt threatening you to go with them?!" Historia asks. Ymir stays quiet. "I will always be your ally!"

"It's the opposite actually. The scouts are very close to us now because Ymir forced us to wait while she went to get you!"

"Ymir! Please let me go!" Historia asks.

"I can't! The only reason why I brought you was to save myself! A while ago, I ate one of their comrades and gained their power. Soon they want to kill me but they said if I bring you, they could possibly prevent that. I'm scared of death! I want to live! So please Historia. Please save me!"

"I already told you. Whatever happens, I will always be your ally!" Historia says.

--time skip--

We have been riding on Reiner's shoulder for a while now and I was uncomfortable. I start to struggle hoping I could get out of Bertholdt's grasp.

"(Y/n). Don't struggle now. Just stay still." Bertholdt says. I make little hums to show I'm uncomfortable. I wanted to go back, to see all my friends, to see Levi.

I look over behind Bertholdt to see if Eren was okay since he was tied on his back. Thankfully, he was but his mouth was covered by cloth.

He looks backwards and sees me looking at him. Many soldiers try to reach us but are pulled down by Ymir's titan. This made steam rise from my head.

"You leave me no choice (Y/n)." He pulls the fabric that was resting on my forehead and puts it over my eyes. I couldn't see anything. I try to shake my head violently to get it off. I hear Eren struggle too and try get to me.

A zipping sound is then heard along with the scream of Ymir's titan. I knew immediately who it was since Bertholdt started to move us.

"Reiner! Protect us!" he calls. I sensed everything go darker. I hear something knock against whatever was protecting us.

Everything goes quiet for a moment until Eren decides to push against the side.

"Why are you guys struggling so much?!" Bertholdt asks.

"Hey! You have some things that we need!" Another voice calls from outside. I knew that voice. It was Jean. "It will also be difficult to calm him down so good luck with that. I hate that suicidal manic just as much as you do! So let's beat him up together shall we. Come out!"

"Bertholdt! Give them back!" I hear Mikasa.

"All this time. Bertholdt. Reiner. You kept quiet and deceived us? That's pretty cruel you know?!" Connie says.

"Are you guys joking?! Please tell me you are!" Sasha says.

I shake my head as much as I can and kick my legs around. I squirm to let the others know I am here too.

"Is that you (Y/n)?!" I hear Jean ask. I hum in reply.

"We need to focus on slicing their necks open!" Mikasa says.

"Tell me who the hell would kill others by their own choice?!" Bertholdt asks. There is a short silence. "We've done such terrible things and deserve to die! We did things we will never be able to take back.. The only time I felt non-regretful is when I pretended to be a soldier! When I met you all and that's not a lie! Someone please find us!" I hear Bertholdt say.

I stop struggling and stay still. There is no movement heard.

"Just give them both back." Mikasa demands.

"I can't. Stain your hands with blood first!" Bertholdt says. I let out a small hum. " I'm sorry (Y/n). I'm sorry Eren. I can't just yet."

I hear zipper-like noises go away from us. Did they leave us behind? They wouldn't just leave us! Especially Mikasa. They must have a plan.

I feel the footsteps of Reiner get faster. What was going on out there? He had soon stopped moving. He lets out a load roar. I sense the sunlight hitting my face again. Whatever was covering us, had gone. I feel Bertholdt grab me and lift me up.

I hear Mikasa shout and come towards us. I think she attempted to hit Bertholdt but he dodged it. Eren suddenly starts to hum loudly. It sounded like he was warning someone something. He was probably signalling Mikasa since he could see.

I hear her scream in agony which made my head start to steam. What was happening? Was she hurt? I soon hear her gasp and other people shouting.

"We have already come this far, Reiner. We are going to take (Y/n) and Eren home with us!" Bertholdt says.

"If I had just reacted faster back there, we wouldn't be here. I am still weak and can't do much. Why was I cursed with this kind of life?" I ask myself.

"Bertholdt!" I hear Armin approach us. There is a silence. "Are you really okay with leaving without your comrade?" I think he is referring to Annie. "You do know she is being tortured, right? They are taking care of her to make sure she doesn't die. They are torturing her in nearly everyway possible."

"You damn spawn of the devil!" Bertholdt shouts. "I will kill you!"

I then feel Bertholdt let go of me and I fall. It feels like I have been falling endlessly and I still have the cloth around my eyes.

"Catch her Armin!" I hear a voice cry.  It was Commander Erwin's. They had come to rescue us.

Someone grabs me from below. "You're okay now (y/n). You're safe." A soft voice tells me. I could tell it was Armin.

My hands were still tied up and my eyes and mouth were covered. I rest my head against his chest and don't move from it. I felt comforted by his heartbeat.

We both get on his horse and start riding away. Eren had been taken away by Mikasa and I was with the main group. Armin takes off the pieces of fabric on my face and I gasp for air.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

"Don't thank us just yet." Armin replies. "We have still got a long way."

I nod and we make our way along with the group. A shadow then appears above us.

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