A dream come true

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"It is said that we are to live only 13 years after becoming a titan-shifter. They call it the 'Curse of Ymir'."Eren says.

"Apparently, Ymir only lived 13 years after becoming a titan." I add on.

"That means I have 13 years left." Armin says. "Eren, how much longer do you have left?"

"Not even 8 years." he answers.

"How long do you have, (Y/n)?" Armin asks.

"I have been here around 13 years as I can remember. Even more." I answer. "I should be dead but who cares?"

"That should be all the information we need." Armin says as he writes in his notebook.

"Thank you for sharing that." Hange says.

I stand up and lean my back against the metal bars. "I need to piss." I say. Everyone looks at me. "What? Isn't it normal for someone to piss?" I ask sarcastically.

"Come on then." Levi says as he opens all of our cell doors. "Just get out - it's annoying having to stand around all day watching you kids."

"I'm not a kid." I mutter as I walk past him.

"Hey Mikasa. Haven't you lost weight?" Eren asks her.

He was right. She looked much skinnier than before but she said she was fine. I make my way to the washroom and I look at myself in the mirror. I didn't really need to pee - I was just finding an excuse to get out so I wasn't really expecting to actually go free.

I tie up my hair and head back out again. Levi stood in-front of the door which scared me a bit.

"Levi!" I yell. "Sorry. You scared me. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to tell you that you need to dress up. We are heading out." He says.

"Why? Is it something important?" I ask.

"Yes. The queen is here in Trost." Levi explains.


I exit the carriage and stand in-front of the stairs that lead into the main building in the centre of Trost. I wore my full uniform along with a long, green coat on top - it almost reached the ground.

Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Levi exited the carriage after me. Jean and Hange had already gone inside a long time before us. Connie and Sasha told us they would not be able to come since Sasha was still injured so we left them.

We walk inside and make our way to the head office - where the queen was supposed to be. Levi knocks on the door and we enter the room.

It was a massive room with a large table in the centre. Along with a desk near the window. Queen Historia stood by the desk and she looked like she had been crying. She held pieces of paper in her hand and I guess those were letters from Ymir.

Jean and Hange sat at the table while we stood. Eren, Armin and Mikasa bow slightly whereas I stay up. Levi whacks the back of my head which causes me to bow.

"Ow... was that necessary?!" I whisper.

Historia walks towards us and stand in-front of us. "You don't have to do that you know! It's not made official you have to."

"It's fine, honestly." Armin says.

I rub the back of my head. "Yeah. It's fine."

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