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That's when we saw it. The female titan had appeared once more.


"What is taking so long for Erwin to come. The MP's will be here before them if they don't stop picking their noses." Levi says.

"You are talking a lot today, Levi." I smirk. "That doesn't usually happen."

I see him look away and clutch his leg.

"I'm sorry. I had made the wrong choice back there. If I had only picked the other option, everyone would still be here." Eren says.

"I told you once. We might have all ended up dead if you had chosen the other option. Who knows how it could've turned out." Levi says.

The door opens and we see the Commander walk in. "Sorry I'm late."

"No problem." I say as the others walk in. Mikasa, Armin and Jean stand there. "Oh. Hey guys!"

"We believe we know who the Female Titan is and we have a plan which will succeed to capturing her." the Commander says.

We all take a seat and me and Eren listen to their plan.

"This will be taking place when you and (Y/n)'s trial is supposed to be taking place - in the Stohess District. This is our only chance to get her and we are betting everything on this mission." Erwin continues. "The target will be lured in on of these alleyways and will escort you down these steps which will lead to the underground. You need to try get her as far down as possible and that should immobilize her in her titan form. If she does, by chance, transforms before then, the rest will be up to Eren. (y/n) will only help him if necessary."

"Are you sure the target will be in Stohess?" I ask to be certain.

"Yes. She is supposedly supposed to be a part of the Military Police." he says.

"Who is it we are exactly after?" Eren asks.

"The Female Titan is Annie Leonhart." Armin looks at us.

"It can't be her!" I shout.

--flashback end--

We manage to get down the steps before anything else happened. We look up and see blood smeared all over the walls.

"We have got to get out of here!" I shout before a massive hand crashes into the wall. Armin grabs my arm and we start to run away from the hand that was chasing us.

"She knew our plan from the start!" Armin says.

"We will worry about that later. What should we do now?!" Mikasa asks.

"Isn't squad 3 supposed to be near?" I ask

"We will rendezvous with them and then prepare to fight Annie." Armin suggests. "As we planned, Eren, you will try and catch her in your titan form just as we planned. (Y/n) only help if needed and if you can control your power."

"Got it!" We both say.

"There you are! Come on!" we hear a voice. It was squad 3.

"We need to get out of here!" I shout. Suddenly, a massive foot breaks through the roof on-top of the squad. Dust covers us and soon after clears.

"Run!" Armin shouts. We all run the opposite way hoping she doesn't find us. "She is desperate to capture one of you!" he looks at me and Eren.

Everything goes quiet so we stay in one place for the time being.

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