Difficult Decisions

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I look to the side of the Colossal Titan and see that their is another titan in sight - Reiner was still alive.

"Hell! I thought you guys killed him!" I shout.

"That's what I thought!" Armin says.

"How could he survive those blows to the nape? I'm sure you hit Reiner directly on his human body." I ask myself.

"I'm not quite sure." Armin says. I gasp a little and realise what he had done. "What is it (Y/n)? Have you realised something?" he asks.

I stay quiet for a moment. "We hit his body but not his titan. We didn't finish him off." I murmur to myself.

"What is it?" Armin asks.

I look at Armin with wide eyes. "He transferred his energy and consciousness to the rest of his body so when we hit his human body, there was nothing left to kill." I say.

"Are you telling me that we wasted our time and spears trying to kill an unconscious or dead person?" Armin asks.

"Something like that." I answer. "And don't you think that the Colossal looks much thinner?"

"That's what I was telling the others. It appeared twice before and looked much thicker. I wonder what is so different now." Armin looks away from me.

"Didn't something like this happen to Eren? Remember just before we were kidnapped, when we were doing experiments and Eren's ass was hanging out from his nape?" I ask.

"You're right. But I think he had transformed around four or five times before that." Armin says.

"We will have to wait and check in the basement." I say.

"Wait." Armin suddenly says. "Eren had shifted up to three times that day. Like Hange had said, the more times he had shifted, the more weaker and thinner he got. This battle of attrition is making the Colossal Titan weak! And add on the steam attacks he uses! That attack causes everything on him to disintegrate apart from his skeleton. As I have told the others, you all need to lead Reiner away while me and Eren deal with Bertholdt."

"Are you crazy?!" I ask.

"Maybe I am - but we will win this battle!" Armin says with a determined look in his eyes.

"You are crazy. I like it." I say as I jump down the wall with my ODM gear. I was tired but I still had energy.

I fly down the path where the Armoured Titan is walking down and where the rest of my friends are. They were heading towards the titan with their spears.

I catch up to them and speed past them all in a flash. I take out my blades and head straight for Reiner's head but in that very moment, he started to sprint towards us. He wasn't aiming for us but he was aiming to get past us.

"Watch out (Y/n)!" I hear Connie shout from behind me.

I give a sigh and decide to fly over Reiner's head. I turn upside-down and face towards the back of the the titan's head. I latch the grapples, from my gear, onto some nearby houses next to me and change my course to chase after him.

I shift my body to face down to the ground and I don't let Reiner out of my sight.

I fly past the rest of the group. "Are you guys going to help or what?!" I yell as I go past.

I look behind me to see Mikasa with a thunder spear.

"Aim for the leg!" I shout. "The back of its leg!"

She nods and aims for the back of the knee. She fires and she hits directly behind the knee. The Armoured Titan starts to stumble until it face-plants to the ground.

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