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I open my eyes to see a beaming light come from my window.

"It's time for you to wake up, miss." I hear a calm voice from behind me. My blanket starts to move away from my body and a large heap of cold air covers me.

I groan and sit up. "I never used to wake up this early to start the day. A few more minutes?" I look over to see a lady dressed up in a black dress and a white apron. Her hair was tied up in a bun and had grey eyes. Was she a maid?

"Sorry but you are already late for training. At three o'clock, you will be picked up by Reiner and his friends. You are expected to come back here by six o'clock for dinner." she says as she takes out my uniform and puts it on a chair neatly.

"How do you already know what is going to happen today?" I yawn and rub my eyes.

"I'm Lara Tybur. You can refer me to one of the maids here. It's my job to look after you and the others so I know what everyone is going to do." she holds out her hand in-front of me.

I reach for her hand and shake it. "You are my auntie aren't you? You're William's sister, am I right?"

"Precisely - but this stays between us." she smiles.

"Sure. Now get out, I'm going to change." I tell her as I get up from my bed and stretch. She nods and exits the room.

I start to take off my gown and I put my uniform on - but this uniform was new. It was the same uniform that Zofia, Udo, Gabi and Falco were wearing. I put on the white pants and coat on-top. I place my feet inside the black boots I was given and I was left looking at leather straps. I have been wearing straps for years for my uniform back at Paradis - it was part of our gear so it was easier to fly around and it was much more complicated to put on.

I pick up the belt and try figure out how to place it on. Then I remembered how the others wore it.

She wore leather straps over her shoulders and they were attached to her belt around her waist.

I place the belt around my waist and tighten it to fit around me comfortably. I take the other straps and place them over each of my shoulders. I connect them to my belt and I then put my armband on my left arm.

"At last. I'm so smart." I say proudly.

I walk out of the door and see Lara standing there. "Follow me. I will escort you to your carriage."

"No. It's fine. I will go by myself." I insist.

"If that is what you want. Have a good day in training." she waves to me and she walks away.


I make my way outside and see a carriage waiting there with Magath inside. I couldn't be bothered to go on a trip with him. I wander past the carriage secretly and I follow the same route I took yesterday to get to the training grounds. Magath hadn't seemed to see me sneak past so that was a good sign.

I reach the gate soon after and the same fat man from the other day was standing there. I didn't even have to say anything for him to open the gate so I could pass.

I walk past houses and buildings until I reach the training HQ. I enter through the entrance and I'm lead straight into the training grounds where I saw Zofia, Gabi, Udo, Falco, Binsa, Noah and a few other people. I was extremely late.

There was one more person with the group. He was taller than the rest and had blonde hair and green eyes - he looked a bit like Falco.

Everyone had luggage on their backs and a shot gun in their hands. All of them, apart from the unfamiliar person, were all running around the edge of the sand they were all red from the heat.

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