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I open my eyes to see a stripe of light entering my eyes. I cover my face with one of my hands and rub my eyes. I sit up on the cold, hard floor and look around. I was still in the little shed and I heard people chatting outside.

"Is it morning already?" I ask myself.

"Good morning sleepy head." I hear a voice say which makes me jump a bit. "It's very uncommon that you actually sleep." It was Cozbi.

"How do you know how often I sleep?" At this point, I was getting suspicious that he has been with me all my life.

"I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." He answers.

"You know what? I'm not even going to ask." I stand up and stretch my arms along with a yawn.

I make my way to the front of the shed and let myself out; closing the door behind me. The sun was shining down on the city and it was fairly warm. I needed to go get a new uniform like the ones the Titan Warriors wear; I still had my war uniform on.

"Zeke should have some spare uniforms." Cozbi tells me. "You are going there anyway, right?"

"Oh yes. I forgot about that. He wanted me to meet him in his office so we could have a cup of tea." I say to myself.

I look up and see if I can see a familiar building top. Thankfully, there was one and that building was the one that I had been staying in before the war. I start to stroll past houses and through alleyways, making my way to the building.

time skip—

I, eventually, found my way to the house and I had already found my way to the training grounds, where Zeke's office was. The candidates, Gabi, Falco, Zofia and Udo, were already training in the centre of the building. Noah and Binsa must have gone to the other side of Liberio with the rest of my 'family'.

I move slowly so I don't distract them or encounter them. I move swiftly around the edge of the place and there were stairs leading up to the balcony. I go up the stairs and make my way to a specific door - Zeke's office. I open the door and see all the Warriors in there.

Pieck was laying down on one of the large chairs while Reiner and Colt sat on another large chair opposite her. Porco was sat on a smaller chair that was separate from the others. There was a table in the middle of the room with cups of tea where everyone sat. Zeke was turned away from everyone and was doing something at the other side of the room. Clinking noises were being made which meant that he was probably making another cup of tea for himself.

"Am I late?" I ask as I walk in further and shut the door.

"Just in time. Do you care for some tea?" He soon turns around and shows he is holding two cups.

"Before that, do you have an extra uniform?"

"Uniform?" He replies.

"You know like yours?"

"Oh I do but they will be too baggy for you. I'm sure Pieck can get you one later." He explains.

Zeke walks over to me and hands me one of the cups. It was filled with tea and it was still pretty hot. I look around the table and there were no extra seats left, so I decided to just stand against the wall.

"Now that we are all here, we can talk about some things." Zeke starts.

"Not often we meet for a talk in the War Chiefs room." Porco says as he takes a sip of his tea.

"Listen, as we saw in the last battle other places have started to create technology against us. We are slowly growing weaker and maybe even Paradis might attack us. We need someone to address the nation about how Paradis is a danger to us. That can be done by these people." Zeke pulls out a piece of paper and throws it in the middle of the table. "The (L/n) and Tybur family."

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