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We all sat down and stared at each other in silence. I got distracted and even started looking around the room.

Hange's office wasn't quite bad. Although some things were thrown around and on the floor, it was a nice layout. A couch by the wall, a desk near the window, red curtains and carpets; it was not bad at all.

I turn back to the other two who were still sitting in silence. "So... why are we here again?" I ask.

"You know what I'm going to ask, Hange." Levi says.

"And my answer is no." Hange replies to him. "If anything bad happens to you, something is bound to happen to her!"

"Uhm..." I interrupt, "Why am I here again?"

"I thought discussing things with you here would be best - but I guess not. Head back to my office and wait there." Levi orders.

"Sure." I stand up and make my way into the corridor, closing the door behind me.

I take a deep breath in before putting my ear against the door. I tried to make no noise and completely still.

"She should stay with me until we know she is safe from harm!" I hear Levi's muffled voice shout.

"And then anyone trying to snatch her away will know she is with you! Who knows when Marley will attack again!" Hange shouts back. "Did you see how weak she was when she boarded the airship?!"

"All the more reason to keep her in my sight!" Levi replies.

"If something happens to you, she won't manage to fend off something big and intelligent like a Titan shifter!"

"I guess they're talking about me." I say to myself.

"You better head to his office." I hear a voice inside my head.

I stand up straight and start to head to the office. "Look who finally decided to show up."

"What?" Cozbi asks. "I haven't done anything."

"I know. It's just you could possibly stay silent for years."

"Like I haven't already done that."


I had entered Levi's office again and the other two were still arguing about something. Their quiet and muffled voices could be heard but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

So I waited... and waited... and waited. It felt like hours had passed and the sun was starting to shine through the windows.

I sat down on the couch in Levi's room and stared at the remaining part of the door - hoping someone would walk in.

I heard footsteps come from outside and then they stop in front of the door. It didn't come from the direction Hange's office was so it wasn't Levi.

"What happened here?" A quiet voice comes from outside.

Out of curiosity, I shout, "Come in."

In came a petite girl, around my height, came through. She had brown hair with a red ribbon tied near the bottom. She had blue eyes and held a paper in her hand.

"Is Captain Levi in here?" She asks quietly but loud enough so I can hear her.

"He's busy. Who are you?"

She salutes by putting her hand over her heart. "I'm Olivia Wyst from Trost District. I'm a new trainee to try join the Scout Regiment."

I stand up and slowly walk over to her. "Why, out of all regiments, do you want to join the Scouts?"

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