New gear

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Multiple loud bangs and flashes of light come from the direction I am pointing. Titans rise from the ground and they stand in a semi-circle around the outside of the inner wall. There was a particular titan that looked familiar and different to the rest.

This titan was different. It was abnormally large and had hair around its head, arms and legs. Its feet, hands and face were bare. Was it an abnormal?

This was the same titan that me, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Historia, Bertholdt and Reiner saw at the castle. This titan was no abnormal. This was a titan-shifter - one of their comrades.

The titan picked up a large rock that was near it and put it next to his head. It took one step forward and launched the rock towards us.

"Boulder incoming!" the Commander shouted. The boulder went up into the air and fell back to the ground in-front of the wall.

"Did it miss?" a soldier asks.

"No. It was good aim." the Commander says.

"But it wasn't aiming for us." I say from behind them. "It was aiming for the entrance of the inner wall. Our horses can't go through now. I see you guys already secured the outer wall." I say as I look back and see a hardened version of Eren's titan blocking the hole.

All the soldiers stood at the top of the wall with their blades in their hands. I move myself to stand next to Erwin.

"That titan is going to climb up the wall." Levi says.

"The armoured?" I ask.

"Yes. He is already on his feet again." he says. Large footsteps are then heard - gradually getting closer to us. The wall then starts to slightly shake.

"All soldiers! Avoid the path of the Armoured Titan!" Erwin shouts. "(Y/n)." he turns to me. "Stay with Levi. You will be safe and protected."

"Sure." I reply. I start to walk towards Levi and pause. "One more thing, Erwin. They have brought along more friends. I'm not sure where or who, but Reiner told me that he was waiting for Bertholdt's entrance - and I would be careful of that titan." I point at a specific titan which ran on its arms and legs. It had a long head and carried luggage on its back. "That one didn't spawn like the other titans. It was already there so it's probably another titan-shifter."

The beast titan lifts up its arm and bangs it against the ground along with a loud scream. All the smaller titans started running towards us while all the larger titans stayed in position.

"Is that beast titan controlling the titans?" I ask myself. A thud is heard coming from the wall.

"Commander! The Armoured Titan is close and we don't know where Bertholdt is!" Armin shouts.

"I know." Erwin replies. He starts to mutter to himself.

"Are you ready to tell us your orders?" I ask Erwin.

"I could have breakfast by the time you make your mind up." Levi says after.

"Marlene and Derk squad. Protect the horses along with Klaus squad!" he shouts. "Levi and Hange squad. Try and take the Armoured titan down! Use your thunder spears if necessary!"

"Thunder spears?" I ask myself. I look around and see that some soldiers have metal spears attached to their backs.


"These metal rods are called spears. They were used by the Military Police but they didn't use them often. We can use these to take out the armoured titan." Hange says.

"The Armoured titan?" Armin asks.

"Yes. As long as it doesn't harden itself, we can use these. Our blades don't seem to work on the armour that it is covered in." Hange says.

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