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"You're time is coming soon. You're going to come back to us!" A voice says.

It was dark and I could not see a thing.  Is this 'person' talking to me?

"We miss you very dearly!" A small voice calls. "Don't you miss us?"

I don't say a word. I just stood there and looked around. I could see myself but I can't see anything else. It is like I am floating in an infinite room.

"Who or what the hell are you?" I ask. "How am I supposed to know if I miss you if I don't know you?"

"You will reunite with us again and we will all be a happy family again!" A little boy's voice says.

"Again?" I think. "Who do these people think I am?!"

"We can play in the garden and we can introduce you to our friends!" A young female voice says.

"Yeah, no thanks. I'm happy where I am." I answer. The whole place went quiet for a few seconds.

"Don't you want to be with your family?" A deeper voice asks. "Don't you want to be happier?"

"Family?" I ask. "I don't have one and even if I did, I don't know where they are."

"We are your family!" A girl exclaims. "Come back to us!"

"I have found my family here where I am! I don't need any more of you enter my life and destroy it." I reply.

"You haven't really changed have you?" A different voice says. It was like a fully grown woman talking.


I open my eyes and hear the sounds of birds tweeting merrily in the distance. I see steam rising from my ribs and lower torso. I sit up and see that no one is around - not even Levi.

"Maybe they went to the basement?" I say to myself. "That must be why no one is here."

I look next to me and see a drink next to me. It contained a clear liquid and it smelled weird.

"It should be okay. No one else apart from the others would have left it here." I lift it up towards my mouth and I then pause. "What if it's medicine? I'm not taking that."

I put it back down and cross my arms. My eyes keep turning to see the liquid and this made me more tempted to try it.

I sigh. "They would have at least told me if they gave me medicine. I guess it won't be that bad." I pick up the drink and take small sips out of it until there is nothing left. I shrug. "Nothing happened. I guess it was water after all."

I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I look back and see Connie with Sasha on his back.

"Glad to see you're awake, (Y/n)!" Connie says. "We just went to get food for Sasha while Eren, Mikasa, Captain and Section Commander went to the basement."

"As I suspected. Do you know when they will be back?" I ask.

Connie lays Sasha down next to me. "They should be back soon. They left quite a while ago." He says.

"As long as they don't take too long, that's fine. Also, thanks for that water. It did smell weird but it was alright." I say.

He stays quiet for a few moments. "What..?"

"You know. The water that was placed here." I point next to me.

"(Y/n)." Connie says sternly. "We don't have water and we never did."

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