Trial and Error

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time skip—

Reiner and Bertholdt helped me to get to safety inside the walls. Armin, Mikasa and Eren were taken somewhere else. I had fallen asleep for about an hour and woke up.

I hold my hand to my head, "where am I?" I see many people surrounding me.

"She's awake!" I hear someone shout.

"Please don't shout my head hurts." I ask politely. I look around to not see the trio around. "Where is Eren, Armin and Mikasa?" I ask.

"They wanted to take Eren and put him in a cell or give him over to the MP's. But Mikasa and Armin didn't allow and went with him for questioning." Connie explains next to me.

"I didn't ask what they were doing, I asked where they were." I glare at them all.

"They are on the other side of the wall. Away from all the Titans." Jean says.

I immediately get up and put my gear on and put my blades in the slots.

"Where do you think your going?" Jean asks. "Don't say your going to go over the wall."

"It's non of your business Jean." I say before flying away - over the wall.

"They won't be in trouble. They will be fine." I try to calm myself. I manage to get on top of the wall and run to the other side to look down on what was happening.

I see most of the Garrison Regiment surrounding the trio with their blades drawn towards them; Mikasa being the only protection from any harm.

This made me angry. Very angry. Seeing my friends being threatened for nothing?! Eren saved our asses.

I see the same bearded man that declared us to fight against the Titans. "Cadets Jaeger, Ackermann and Arlert! What you've committed is an act of treason! Whether you live or die all depends on you!"

Was he threatening them with death? The urge to go down there and strangle him is unbearable.

"Try and move from the position you are in, we will blast you to bits without hesitation" we all look to the canon that was threatening them. "This is a direct question! Are you a human or Titan?!"

"I-I don't understand the question sir!" I hear Eren plead. It was obvious he didn't remember what happened, but was it obvious to them?

"You were reported to be seen rising from a Titan body! Even if you are a member of the cadets as sanctioned by the king, it is well within my right to eliminate any risk as quick as possible! As we are speaking, humanity is on the line and we can't afford to waste any further manpower on you! I will bombard you if it is necessary!"

I start to hear other members of the Garrison shout, "we should destroy him while he is in human form!" I could swoop down there and help them, but that would put me at risk and make me do an act of treason which could potentially get me killed.

"My speciality is severing flesh.." I see Mikasa step forward. "Should I demonstrate it to you? Does anyone want to experience my technique on their flesh? If so, please step forward." She asks the whole group.

Mikasa's power is known for equalling at least 100 soldiers. If they killed her, it would cause a setback for humanity.

"So what are you?! Human or Titan?!" The bearded man shouts. If Eren answers wrong, he could end up dead, but not on my watch. I'll kill them all if necessary. But for now I'll just watch.

"I'm human!" He shouts making the place silent.

Would they believe him?

I see the man raise his hand like he is signalling someone? That's when it hit me. He signalled the canon to go off. I stand up immediately.

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