The Queen and more

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Later that day, we were called to go inside Wall Sina for the ceremony of Historia becoming queen.

There was a massive, wooden stand in front of a very posh building.

She wore a white dress with golden patterns at the bottom and a long, red, fluffy cloak on top. Her hair was tied up neatly in a low bun.

We all stood in our regiments and bowed down to her. The crown was placed on her head and she saluted us with a hand on her heart.

We all look back up and cheer in celebration. Who would believe that Historia would become queen?!

time skip—

"Are you really going to punch the Captain?!" Eren asks.

Apparently, when we were planning the attack on Rod Reiss, Mikasa had told Historia to punch Levi when she became queen.

"Yes I am and nothing will stop me!" Historia replies.

"You don't have to. Mikasa was joking, right?" Eren looks at Mikasa.

"After you hit him, you should say, 'I dare you to hit me back'" Mikasa says.

"Damn it. You weren't joking. If you have nothing against him then you can forget it." Eren tries to stop her.

"How can I call myself a queen if I can't do something like this?" Historia asks.

"You should punch him a second time if he doesn't respond." I suggest to her.

We walk until we see a silhouette of a man standing in the hallway. It was Levi.

"You can do this." I whisper in Historia's ear and push her forward slightly.

She stays still for a moment before letting out a war cry and runs towards him. She punches him in the arm and moves back a bit.

"How do you feel that you have been punched by the queen, huh?!" Historia asks. "Do you have a problem with me?!"

We see the Captain chuckle and we all stay quiet.

"Are we supposed to run or..?" I ask nervously. I have seen Levi like this before but not in front of everyone.

He looks at us. "Thank you. All of you."

—time skip—

It has been around two months since Historia was crowned queen. She was getting used to the job and becoming more comfortable.

She had told us that we were going to help out at the orphanage to transfer craters of food and supplies to them for a day.

Me, Eren, Armin and Jean watched as Historia chases the kids around.

She grabs two of the kids by the back of their collars. "You have to learn how to listen! You shouldn't be so stubborn and steal!" She scolds them. I'm guessing they stole food from one of the craters.

"She's scarier as queen than she was before." I say as I lean on a fence.

"But she works well with children - especially children here." Armin says. "They even made a name for her. 'The Cattle-Farming Goddess'."

We see her put her arms around the boys, "you can have snacks after we are done!"

"At this rate, no one will remember the boy who plugged up the hole in Trost!" Jean made a weird face.

"Jean. You're starting to look like a horse again." I say. "You're making that weird face."

"The reason why Historia became queen is so that she could do all of this." Eren says.

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