Queen to queen

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I was back in my cell and sat in my bed as some people came to question me and Eren. It was Pyxis and his crew.

Apparently, they had questioned Yelena before all this and she gave details why she wanted to meet Eren and why she had been talking to me so often when she could. The notebook Pyxis's assistant held and read from was massive; who knew how many pages it would take to turn before she finished.

I didn't listen to the questions they asked me since I did t really know or understand them, so I hummed in response and daydreamed at the same time. I was thinking about what I was going to do when I got out of the cell. I couldn't really use ODM gear since it would melt. People would probably fear me if I went out as a civilian. Besides, I was known as the queen of Marley. I was practically useless. That's when it hit me.

The queen of Paradis was within Wall Sina - Historia. I had a faint memory of her being a kind and calm soul who always helped people in need. I wondered if she was still queen to this day. Maybe I could pay her a visit.

"Yelena says that you have a tendency to have a conversation with yourself, like there is someone else in the room with you." I hear Pyxis tell me. "Who or what exactly are you talking to?"

I come back to reality and look straight at him. My eyes widened and my jaw slightly fell.

"I swear I never used to talk out loud around her." I say to myself. "How could she have heard me? Maybe she just caught me whispering? No, she would've told me - I think. Did she spy on me?"

"Well? You're a bit quiet for that question." Pyxis tells me.

"What are you going to do when I answer these questions?" I finally ask. "Are you going to send me to court and trial me?"


I ended up getting trialed in one of the court rooms they had within Shiganshina. It was pretty small compared to some I've seen but it wasn't the smallest either.

My hands were tied to a metal pole with stood behind me and there was no way I could get out. Soldiers surrounded every door there was in the room and people sat in chairs that were near the walls. A wooden barrier separated me from the other people that surrounded me and a large stand was in front of me. That was where the jury stood.

I could see Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Connie were stood on one side of the room while higher ups, such as Hange and Pyxis as Commanders, stood on the other. Some of the Military Police also stood there - pointing shotguns at me all the time.

The Commander of all the regiments, Dhalis Zachary, stood in the middle of the wooden stand that was in front of me. Along with him, were two other people. One had blonde hair and looked awfully familiar and the other was unrecognisable.

"All bow." Dhalis announces to everyone.

I look around and see everyone in the hall bowing as the blonde girl sat down on a chair. Was that the queen? Historia?

I didn't bother to bow; I couldn't anyway. I just sat in the floor and watched people as they got up and looked at me.

Dhalis takes a seat as well and starts to flip over papers to read them one after the other. It was very quiet at this moment but I didn't mind.

"(Y/n). Or rather your majesty of Marley." Dhalis's voice echoed across the room.

"What?" I snap back.

I hear the clattering of the triggers on the shotguns. I look over and see the MP's ready to shoot without orders. I raise an eyebrow and everything then goes silent.

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