A New Guest

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The mission had started and we were making our way from the Karanes District in the east, to Shiganshina District in the south. We went through many deserted villages.

"Ten meter up ahead! Approaching from the left!" I see two men fly off to go kill the Titan.

We ride behind Levi in supervision of the elite team - Levi squad.


"The support squad will only cover us until we are through the old village." Gunther says.

"Everything beyond there will be Titan territory?" I ask.

"Precisely." Eld says.

"From then on, we will have to rely on the Commander's long-range scouting formation." Gunther keeps going. "Our special operations squad will be here"

—flashback end—

"Mr. Oruo! Do you think my friends will manage to beat the titans?" I hear Eren ask.

"What the hell did you guys just spend the last month doing?!" He replies. "Listen kid. Scouting missions out here are meant for fighting titans. As little as-" I look behind me to see blood gashing out of his tongue - again.

"How did Levi manage to pick him to join his team?!" I think to myself.

"Assume long-range scouting formation!" I hear the Commander's voice roar.

I see my friends slowly drift towards their assigned positions. "Stay alive!" I yell.

I ride alongside Levi,Oluo, Eren and Petra in the centre back. We are supposed to be in the safest position of the formation. We look to our right to see very, many red smoke signals.

Red smoke signals were used to let your surroundings know that there is a Titan nearby. It is possibly the most common colour you will see.

The red smoke gets closer and closer to us to warn the commander of the situation. He then fires a green signal.

Green smoke signals are used mainly by the commander to let the others know to indicate a change in direction. Other soldiers will set off another green smoke signals to warn the others there is a change in direction.

—time skip—

It had been a while since any signal has been set off. There might have been one or two but nothing major. The plan looked like it was going smoothly.

We soon enough see many green smoke signals ahead of us. We were changing course.

"Oluo. You fire the signal." Levi orders him.

"It feels like this mission is going very smooth. A little too smooth for my liking. I wonder if everyone else is still alive out there" I think to myself.

"Reporting sir! It's an oral message!" A man comes from behind us. "The right wing spotters have been eliminated! Please pass this message on to the left."

"Go on Petra." He says.

"Yes sir!" Petra answers and makes her way to the left side.

"The right wing? Isn't Armin near the right wing? No. He is positioned closer to the centre. Titans couldn't have already come that far in." I think.

We all look to the right side and see black smoke signals.

Black smoke signals are fired only if an abnormal has been spotted. They normally head towards the centre so the message needs to be spread quickly.

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