It should've been me..

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It was a sleepless night last night. I may have fallen asleep here and there but overall I stayed awake.

"Today was the day" I thought. My first mission outside the walls. I didn't know whether to feel excited or not. I could potentially die today. Yet again I might live. But my friends might die on me and leave me alone..but I know that won't happen cause they will keep their promises!

I get dressed into the uniform I was given the day before. A white shirt with white jeans and a brown, leather skirt. Not to mention the straps. So many buckles to adjust! We also had leather boots and a jacket with the wings of freedom. And last of all, the cape.

I headed out to meet my friends in the dining hall where we collected our rations and ate.

"Today is the day whether we live or die" Furlan started off.

"I want to live thank you very much" Isabel replies with food stuffed in her mouth.

"Don't speak with food in your mouth. It's disgusting." Levi grunted.

"Or you might choke so be careful!" I quickly say after.

We get up and get to our horses. Mine was named Vitiligo because she had patches of brown skin and cream skin, but I call her 'V' just for short.

We mount our horses and make our way to the formation just before the walls.

All our gear had been set and filled and should last us the whole time.

"30 seconds until the gates open!" The commander shouted at the front of the formation. He had a really loud voice but I couldn't hear anything over all the commotion around me!

"Are you guys ready?" Is the last thing I asked before the gate opened.

"Let's do this" Furlan and Isabel said with so much enthusiasm.

We headed under the gate and the outside world was revealed. The sky was blue and reached out to the ends of the earth. I looked up in awe.

"Oi. No matter how interested you are, focus on the mission. We don't want you dying to stupidity now do we?" Levi says looking at me with slightly widened eyes.

"Sorry Levi. I have never thought it looks like this out here.." I mumble.

"Neither have I. Now focus."


It's been about 5 minutes until we encounter our first enemies. A 4 meter behind us along with a 10 meter. It horrified me. I have never seen a Titan before and they are bigger than expected. I try to look forward and not get caught in their grasp until I see Levi and his horse have disappeared. I look at the other side of me and see Furlan and Isabel have gone too.

"Keep up with the group newbie" a soldier says behind me.

"But m-my friends..?" A chilling shiver is sent down my spine.

"Hey! Don't even think about it unless you want to end up dead!" He shouts at me.

"Does it look like I care if I'm dead?" I stare at him with angered eyes. He kept quiet, "yeah. Didn't think so." And I headed off in the opposite direction.

I spot two titans walking towards the group. I hesitate to send a flare but to my surprise, something wizzed past me. I flinched and closed my eyes and when I looked up, the Titans were gone.

"Huh?" I think to myself.

"I thought I told you not to lose focus (y/n)" a voice comes up behind me making me jump. "What are you doing here away from the group?" He asks with a stern face.

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