What now?

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I stood in a field outside Wall Maria and was clutching onto my arm. I was a lot shorter too.

"What am I doing here? I ask myself.

I try to step forward but I fall down in agony. My leg was broken. How could I possibly reach there? I guess crawling is my best option for now.

I crawl to a nearby village and look for help. Thankfully there is someone who takes me into their home and helps me.

"Let me clean those wounds for you dear!" She gets a towel and some alcohol. "This will hurt a bit so why don't you tell me where your from."

She puts the towel on my leg which makes me flinch a bit and I reply with, "I'm from the...north!" I lie.

"That's great. Where are your parents?"

"I have no idea." I say looking away.

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's fine."

She cleans my wounds and dresses them. I head out of the door and make my way towards Shiganshinan gate.

There were many people. There were kids around my age running around and kicking rocks at each other and women dressed up in flowy gowns. There were men dressed up in suits and walking around the market place. There was food everywhere I looked.

"I can't stand around for too long. I need to go before the guards get me as an illegal foreigner." I walk for ages until I reach a tunnel. There were stairs leading down so I walk down them.

A bright light overtakes my vision and I open my eyes to see trees tower over me and my feet not touching the ground.

"Where am I?" I ask weakly. I was to tired to move or panic about it.

"You're safe (Y/n)." I hear a soft voice. That sounded like.. Mikasa? She holds me by the waist at the side of her body, causing me to fold over her arm. That was the last thing I heard before passing out again.

--time skip--

I wake up to the sound of horses, but that sound slowly stops until I feel like we have stopped moving. What was happening? Where was I? Why did we stop?

I open my eyes to see Mikasa's black hair facing away from me. "Mikasa..?" I ask.

"You're awake. Take it easy, you took a pretty bad fall back there." She says.

"What happened too Eren? The last thing I remember is that the Female Titan.." I pause.

"I said take it easy (y/n). Your working yourself up - your hands are steaming again."

I look down at my hands and looked around. I was laying down in a wooden carriage with someone's cloak on top of me and behind my head.

Mikasa jumps into the carriage with me and kneels down next to me. "Eren is safe now. You are also safe. We didn't quite kill or defeat the titan, yet, but I doubt she will give up trying to get you." She explains.

"Back there. I saw a bright light. It wasn't hot or cold and something happened to her hand before she dropped me."

"We will talk about that when we get back to HQ."

I sit up and put a hand on my head. There were bandages around it. Didn't my wounds heal? They should've healed already. Maybe I'll just keep them on for a bit longer. I look up to see the Commander and the Captain walking to their horses.

I give them a wave and Levi limps towards our way.

"Captain? Are you okay?" I ask looking towards his leg.

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